Re: acute mecury poisoning
Posted by Caoimhín P. Connell on 2/13/04
Good morning, Mr. Dressler:
I have investigated several mercury exposure cases for
several organizations, including folks like the National
Center for Atmospheric Research and I have prepared
toxicological assessments on mercury for courtroom
In general, mercury is a classic neurotoxin and indeed,
mercury poisoning is where we get the colloquial phrase “mad
as a hatter.” Although the alkyl forms are far more toxic
than is the reduced metal, the vapour pressure of the metal
is such that exposure to the vapours can present significant
exposure potentials with devastating toxicological results.
Whether the degradation of your motorskills is causally
related to your exposures in particular would be something
that would need to be investigated further in a systematic
fashion. A forensic industrial hygienist who is well versed
in toxicology (such as myself) can be consulted to perform a
retrospective exposure and risk analysis. I am sure that
such an individual would be available in your general area-
feel free to contact me off-line and I should be able to
point you into the right direction. Unfortunately, such work
is expensive and usually needs to be performed as part of a
concerted legal effort.
I am not sure if you are the person who drank the mercury, or
did I miss that point? In any event, curiously, the
ingestion of mercury is not as harmful as most people may
believe – in fact, strange as it now sounds, drinking of
mercury was a common cure for constipation!
I’m not an attorney and not competent to provide legal
advice, with regard to your tort question, who in your mind
would have created a wrong from whence an injury occurred?
In other words, what is your relationship to the
exposed/owner of the Hg/owner of the building/school? I
recommend you contact an attorney to discuss the merits of
your case – however, the degradation of your motorskills may
very well (or may not) be a result of your exposures.
Feel free to drop me an email at
Caoimhín P. Connell
(The opinions expressed here are exclusively my
personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my
professional opinion, opinion of my employer, peers, or
professional affiliates. The above post is for information
only and does not reflect professional advice and is not
intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)
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