Re: acute mecury poisoning
Posted by Chebbaka on 3/21/04
Mercury is one of the worst poisons known on the earth.
If you swollow mercury it will react with acids destroying the lining
of the stomach and causing ulceration and bleeding.
Mercury is responsible for great majority of all illnesses from Gulf
War Illness (thimerosal in vaccines),
Addison's disease Gastritis
Allergies Hypogonadism
Alzheimer's' disease Hypothyroidism
Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis Infertility
Ankylosing spondylitis Insomnia
Anorexia nervosa Irritable bowel syndrome
Anxiety Juvenile arthritis
Asthma Learning disabilities
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Lupus erythromatosus
Autoimmune disease Manic depression
Bipolar disorder Multiple chemical sensitivities
Borderline personality disorder Multiple sclerosis
Bulimia Myasthenia gravis
Candidiasis Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Chronic fatigue, Panic attacks
Colitis, Parkinson's disease
Crohn's disease Pervasive developmental disorder,
Depression, Psychosis
Endocrine disorders, Rheumatoid arthritis,
Environmental illness Schizophrenia
Fibromyalgia Sciatica,
Carpal Tunel,
Food allergies Sleep disorders
Yeast syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction Disorder,
Alleged Oral Herpees,
and misdiagnosed frequently if not always as alleged menopause.
Effects of Mercury poisoning
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