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    Re: Opinion on Mold regulation/Health Dept. flees mold

    Posted by johncodie on 2/14/04

    On 2/14/04, ff wrote:
    > Mr. Heindl:
    > It is always a pleasure to see your posts: informative,
    > mannerly, didn't you mention the southern gentleman
    > upbringing from Mississippi to johncodie once?
    > My opinion on mold regulation: of course these guys need to
    > be regulated. I wanted to point your attention to an
    > article which appeared in the Lake section of the Orlando
    > Sentinel 02/13/04.: "Health Department flees mold."


    The hospital that you were probably taken to during your
    accident was insured by my previous insurance carrier. Some
    of the problems you encountered claimed one of the Mississippi
    State Football players life when he broke his leg while
    playing the University of Florida. Can't image dying from a
    broken leg, but it did happen. And the Jackie Sherrill that
    continued to be emotionless,,,,,was brought to tears from the
    sudden realizatoin of how uncertain our lives can be. When
    reseaching my insurance company on it's history of bad faith,
    I found that a death had occured in a minor surgery because
    the heart rate of a patient was not identified as slow, and
    the end result was the death by insufficient oxygen. The
    negligence was discussed as needing to be covered. The
    insurance company from the Atlanta Office was intent of that
    being a death by natural causes. The plan would have worked
    until a person in the emergency room had a concious moment and
    relized if the truth got out, there would be a five year
    penalty for perjury for each event. The insuance company paid
    the bad faith claim, but was not repentful for the misdeed.

    Do I have similar instances of the lying of the particpants in
    my case? You bet I do! They all lie, and continue to lie.
    So when you use the term Southern Gentlemen, limit it to a
    social event. Mary would not wan't to feel she is limited
    from running for political office because we treat her as an
    unequal we put on a pedestal. Even with the plantiff attorny,
    the bottom line is that check, for the client it is a home to
    feel that they are not on the equal of living in a card box on
    the side of the street.

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