Re: The rest of whose story, ff?
Posted by johncodie on 2/18/04
I feel another CC post to himself coming on with another glowing
response. Mary, and Mr. Connell you know that Washington D.C. is
a brutal town for politics. You must know for a contractor to
survive they must be very good. Thats one of the things I picked
up when disagreeing with Greg. I found he had enough of the
basics to make the right decisions, and smart enough to ask the
area experts to express their opinions. He is able to establish
a successful working relationship.
I went to the ABET site to review the groups and found the
industrial hygine group as having ABET affiliations. I did a
search on the site to see Colorado Experts in "mold". I found a
site where Mary Ann Crowley was earlier identifed, with CC, but
found as you can see Mr. CC is no longer associated with the
Consequental, mistake, insignificant, don't let me be the
judge. I have seen his, CC patern, for a number of months, and
his posting to himself. I felt the deception needed to be
pointed out. If you would like to continue to be a part of the
perception, Mary, by all means continue.
Any individual that is charged with the public safety, fireman,
policeman, etc. can be certified by the court as a expert
witness. The question remains if CC will just go away, and let
the previous professionals return to bring thier knowlege to a
laymans level of understanding.
CC use to listed as an expert. Where did he go?
3. Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc. (C&IH) B
10201 West 43rd Ave.,,, Suite 201
Wheat Ridge , CO 80033
Tel: 303-420-8242
800 #: 800-420-9311
Fax: 303-431-4602
Services Offered by this Location:
Asbestos ; Biological Monitoring ; Ergonomics ; Indoor Air
Quality ; IH Chemistry ; Hearing Conservation/Noise Control ;
Radiological Control ; Respiratory Protection/PPE ; Toxicology ;
Ventilation ; Training/Instruction ; Safety Specialist ; Expert
Witness ; Comprehensive IH Practice ; Environmental Practice ;
Lead ; Computer Software/Information Services ; Mold ;
Management/Audits/OSHA Compliance
Location Contacts:
James Rasmuson, PhD., CIH, DABT (D) ; Robert Strode, MS, CIH
(D) ; Mary Kay Crowley, MS, CIH (D) ; Eric Rasmuson, MS (F) ;
Dalmon Larson, PhD, DABT
On 2/17/04, Phares Heindl wrote:
> but,
> like me, they provided sound and scientifically valid
> objective information and so, like me, they were incessantly
> and viciously attacked by the usual goofs like Haney,
> Weatherman, DD, Phares and the like and they eventually
> stopped posting. Pity.
> ______________________________________________________
> Thanks for the kind comment above, Connell. I was beginning
> to feel a little left out. It is a compliment to get bashed by
> somone like you.
> If truth be told, however, some professionals have left this
> forum not because of the folks you trashed above, but because
> of your contentious rant and malicious slander.
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