Re: Past Comments Made By Dr. Lipsey
Posted by ff on 2/20/04
Regarding number two, essentially, there are no damages. In
a broader sense, who has CC really damaged other than
I think the answer is found in the unsuspecting people who
post inquiries and don't read or realize the significance of
the standard CC discalimer.
If CC is unwilling to move the discalimer to the top of his
posts, possiblly he would consider bold type, or increasing
font size.
On 2/20/04, Greg Weatherman wrote:
> For those who want accuracy,
> > The only reasons Dr. Lipsey has not pursued litigation
in this matter is for two reasons:
> 1) Caoimhin Connell is not worth enough money to justify
> the legal expense. >
> 2) Dr. Lipsey has not seen "economic losses" due to the
> ridiculous postings. In fact his business gets better.
> >
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