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    Re: Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome

    Posted by mary on 7/13/04

    Wow... I'm completely freaked out. What, they give crack heads in
    germany computers for something to do?


    On 7/12/04, Dr. Stefen Lanka PhD wrote:
    > Science, Medicine and Human Rights,
    > Germany
    > Wissenschaft, Medizin und Menschenrechte e.V.
    > Officially registered humanitarian organisation
    > President:
    > Karl Krafeld, Albrechtstr. 17, D-44137 Dortmund
    > Vice-President:
    > Dr. Stefan Lanka, Ludwig-Pfaustr.1b, D-70176 Stuttgart
    > T 0711 2220601
    > F 0711 2220600
    > M 0171 3281070
    > e
    > To the OHCHR-UNOG
    > The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson
    > The United Nations Centre for Human Rights, United Nations Office
    > at Geneva
    > 8-14 Avenue de la Paix
    > 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
    > To all Heads of Government and all Heads of State
    > To all NGOs
    > Legal proceedings against the "Deutscher Bundestag", the
    > of the Federal Republic of Germany: Because of the intentional
    > continuation of acts of killing and manslaughter (§ 220a StGB
    > Germany) by the German Parliament.
    > During the last six years proofs have been collected for the
    > following actions that have taken place inside Germany: The State
    > intentionally is using non-valid tests to persuade healthy persons
    > to take a deadly long-term medication. The persons, being healthy
    > before being tested die during the long-term-medication. The
    > Parliament, since years intentionally is securing that this crime
    > continues.
    > Course of Events on January 15th 2001 at the District Court
    > (Landgericht) of Dortmund:
    > Judge Hackmann announced the statement of
    > the "Bundesgesundheitsbehörde", the Federal German Health
    > Authorities, which says that in connection with AIDS there has
    > never been isolated a virus (Dr. Marcus, Robert-Koch-Institute
    > (RKI) Berlin). The judge figured out that the German Bundestag had
    > been backing the lie of the Federal Health Authorities (RKI, Dr.
    > Marcus, 9.3.95) about a successful isolation of a virus in
    > connection with AIDS in the course of a petition (Art. 17,
    > Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, Pet. 5-13-15-2002
    > 010526).
    > The trial was based on actions of the defendant which were caused
    > by the misleading statement made by the RKI (Dr. Marcus) on the
    > March 1995, that there were photographs of the isolated HI-virus
    > inside the publications of Montagnier (1983) and Gallo (1984). The
    > judge proved the untruthfulness of this statement using Dr.
    > statement itself. The court imposed a suspended sentence of 8
    > months of jail because of attempted coercion of the authorities to
    > adhere and act according to law and order.
    > Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked
    > The
    > Viral Fraud

    > The document of the German Bundestag DS 12/8591 holds proof that
    > the Bundestag had already known in 1994 that neither Montagnier
    > (1983) nor Gallo (1984) had isolated any virus in connection with
    > AIDS. Based on this the Bundestag safeguarded the persistent lie
    > the AIDS information campaign (RKI) from 9th March 1995 about the
    > successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS. As a
    > consequence of non-tolerating this lie and because of non-
    > tolerating the deadly consequences of this lie, the trial took
    > place on 15th January 2001.
    > It is impossible – as far as laboratory conditions are concerned –
    > to develop a valid Virus-antibody-test, if the virus has not been
    > isolated before. Every layman understands that an individual proof
    > for an infection with a virus is impossible, if the existence of
    > the virus has never been generally proven. This knowledge of the
    > German health authorities, that the tests are not validated, can
    > proven via the authorities' documents themselves. The error
    > concerning the test's validity is spread and supported by the
    > authorities – against better knowledge.
    > With two more petitions the Bundestag safeguarded the default of
    > the responsible authorities, not to carry out the law (§63 AMG,
    > Stufenplan II), to do studies and observations to protect persons
    > taking the AIDS-Medicine, the chemotherapy AZT (Pet. 5-13-15-2002-
    > 058744 and Pet. 5-13-15-212-023567a).
    > The health authorities and the Bundestag know that there will be
    > test method to prove an HIV-Infection, as long as HIV has not been
    > isolated. And there is no doubt that AZT – as well as the HIV-
    > medications in general – are deadly themselves when used as long-
    > term-medication.
    > In the course of the proceedings of the petitions the Bundestag
    > created an apparent peace of law – by means of deliberately
    > untruthful statements. President of the German Parliament Wolfgang
    > Thierse regards untruthful behaviour of this kind (as shown by the
    > Bundestag) as being justified by the Bundesverfassungsgericht
    > (Federal Constitutional Court). A videotape documenting an
    > interview (28th June 1995) shows that his predecessor in office,
    > Prof. Rita Süssmuth did know, that there had never been any proofs
    > for a virus in connection with AIDS and that there are no proofs
    > for the claims of infectivitiy.
    > Still pending in the Bundestag is the petition Pet. 2-14-15-212-
    > 02608. It is lodging a complaint against the legal authorities,
    > which stayed passive after getting the attention of the proofs for
    > these act of killings. Enclosed with the complaint were so many
    > proofs, which had made it necessary for the Bundestag to take
    > actions right after perusal, to stop the continuation of these
    > of killings by the state. Within the last six months every single
    > member of the German Bundestag was informed six times via mail
    > about these acts of killing by the state.
    > The intention of the German Bundestag to safeguard killings by the
    > state after gaining insight into the facts must be regarded as
    > proven, especially because of the fact that several petitions were
    > rejected by means of untruthful statements. The German Bundestag
    > and every individual member of the Bundestag intentionally
    > safeguards acts of killings by the state by deliberately
    > the public. Healthy people are intentionally lead into a deadly
    > medication via tests with invalid results - and then die.
    > The criminal law of the BRD and especially § 220a StGB (Genocide)
    > protects citizens from act of killings organised by a state which
    > is deliberately misleading the public. It also protects the
    > citizens binding the legal authorities to take actions after
    > perusal. The prosecuting attorneys attended the trial on 15th
    > January 2001 at the Landgericht Dortmund and learned about the
    > facts – in front of the public. Their passivity afterwards serves
    > as a further proof for their further intention in this matter. (LG
    > Dortmund, Ns 70 Js 878/99 14(XVII) K 11/00)
    > Karl Krafeld und Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dortmund und Stuttgart, den
    > 14.3.2001
    > Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist and molecular biologist, is
    > internationally mostly known as an "AIDS dissident" (and
    > maybe "gentechnology dissident") who has been questioning the very
    > existence of "HIV" since 1994. In the past years, however, he
    > stumbled over a breathtaking fact: Not even ONE of the (medically
    > relevant) viruses has ever been isolated; there is no proof of
    > their existence. Actually, Dr. Lanka has already stated three
    > ago, in the almost "legendary" Zenger´s interview: "So for a long
    > time I studied virology, from the end to the beginning, from the
    > beginning to the end, to be absolutely sure that there was no such
    > thing as HIV. And it was easy for me to be sure about this because
    > I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to
    > belong, the retroviruses -- as well as other viruses which are
    > claimed to be very dangerous -- in fact do not exist at all." So
    > was thoroughly reading the literature on those "other viruses"
    > again, and after he could still not find any paper which would
    > provide the evidence, he encouraged people not to BELIEVE him but
    > to ask the institutes and authorities themselves. This has
    > taken place, mostly initiated by mothers. The responses were
    > revealing. In September 2001 the German book "Impfen - Völkermord
    > im dritten Jahrtausend?" (Vaccination - Genocide in the third
    > millennium?) by Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld was published in
    > which they state that there is still no proof of any (medically
    > relevant) virus.
    > >
    > m#top"target="_blank">Dr. Stephan Lanka PhD, Interview page 1

    > >
    > m#top"target="_blank">Dr. Stephan Lanka PhD, Interview page 2

    > Stefan Lanka, Ph.D. takes the challenge to HIV's existence even
    > further. A German researcher, Dr. Lanka is usually referred to as
    > virologist. But that hardly begins to describe his wide-ranging
    > fields of study. Based on experiences in marine biology,
    > biochemistry, evolutionary biology and virology, he's worked out a
    > whole new view of HIV and AIDS. He believes that all so-called
    > retroviruses are actually the body's own creations; that hepatitis
    > is an autoimmune disorder (a disease in which the body is attacked
    > by components of its own immune system) rather than a viral
    > disease; that AIDS has nothing to do with immune suppression; and
    > that it should really be called Acquired Energy Deficiency
    > Syndrome -- AEDS -- because its true cause is a breakdown in the
    > delivery of oxygen to the blood and/or body tissues. Dr. Lanka did
    > a West Coast tour in October and spoke to H.E.A.L.- San Diego on
    > October 20. Zenger's interviewed him hours before that event.
    > >
    > ick of Idiots

    > >
    href=""target="_blank">Vaccination> A>

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