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    Re: Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome - oh yeah?

    Posted by Mary on 7/14/04

    Hey Brain Boy:

    Time to ask the nice man to take you back to your room. Too much
    computer time is bad for your oxygen saturation. Remember to actually
    SWALLOW your medication, don't just fake it. Really enjoyed your post.

    Best Regards,


    PS: I can see you through your monitor when you type.

    On 7/14/04, Bazooka wrote:
    > On 7/13/04, mary wrote:
    >> Wow... I'm completely freaked out. What, they give crack heads in
    >> germany computers for something to do?
    >> Mary
    > I might STRONGLY DISAGREE with you. It is a meyor scientific
    > brak through showing fundamental flows in medical theories and
    > speculation. He is a GENIUS who didn't ho with the flaw od $hit!
    > It DEMONSTRATES that CRACK HEADS are practicing medicine and are
    > UNABLE to think at all. Doctors are tought in medical schools
    > WHAT to think and not HOW to think,what interfere with any logical
    > thinking.
    > >
    > get="_blank">Legal precedence and confirmation of scientific proof
    > intentional non scientific fraud in medicine

    > Pure
    > Science

    > >
    > rget="_blank">Virus Myth

    > >
    > p"target="_blank">Discussion of most important scientific break
    > through

    > A tragical chain of complete lack of intelligence based on
    > following of unproven and outdated theories, which demonstrate
    > how one error leads to chain of events establishing FALSE
    > Consequently based on this article you can understand that for
    > example Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is OXYGEN defficiency on
    > cellular level as OXYGEN is being spent to detoxify toxic agents
    > in your body.
    > Yo migh also conclude that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is an
    > injury where in reality consistant with Chronic Fatigue
    > where you develop also adverse reactions as result of brain
    > injury since OXYGEN can not reach brain in sufficient quantities
    > causing brain dammage known as toxic encephalopathy.
    > One can conclude that those are progressive stages of the injury
    > by toxic agents diagnosed at different stages and migh lead
    > to chronic inflammation and development of CANCER as result of
    > growth of fungi withine the system which converts cells in to
    > embrionic state.
    > We have a lot of embryonic cells in our body all over. Those are the
    > stem cells. When the nerve cells have got broken, new nerve cells may
    > regenerate out of the embryonic cells, because those cells cannot be
    > regenerated. So we have embryonic tissues everywhere, and here comes
    > evolutionary biology.
    > Now I have to tell you the basis of our lives. The fermentation
    > was not producing enough energy to form multicellular organisms or to
    > enable the cell to differentiate. Bacterial cells are not
    > differentiated, not able to build multicellular organisms because they
    > don't have enough energy. Only the invention of photosynthesis --
    > the energy of the sun to split down matter in order to get electrons --

    > allowed life to go on. Life is driven by the force of electrons, and
    > with photosynthesis the electrons came out of the splitting of the
    > water, and the base product was oxygen.
    > This photosynthesis was so successful that it polluted the whole
    > planet. The water, and eventually the atmosphere, became saturated
    > oxygen. Only when bacteria began to learn to use oxygen to produce
    > more energy out of organic material, out of a sugar molecule, did we
    > have the next step in evolution. Life dealt with the oxygen
    > catastrophe, and since then we have had a perfect equilibrium of
    > producing bacteria and oxygen-using bacteria, so that they keep the
    > atmosphere at a constant level of 20 percent oxygen. This is exactly
    > the level at which life is able to persist. At a lower level, or a
    > higher level, it is impossible. We are living in the equilibrium.
    > That's the principle of Gaia, by the way.
    > Those bacteria which learned to use oxygen were able to produce 20 to
    > 30 times more energy per sugar molecule, because the oxygen at the end
    > was sucking so many electrons that many more electrons could be taken
    > out of the sugar, to produce much more energy than was possible
    > the potent oxidative substance at the end of the energy-producing
    > chain. This revolution in energy formation was the basis for all
    > cells and all higher organisms. Of course, with this excess of energy,
    > cells could eventually differentiate and form multicellular organisms.
    > And these bacteria, which sere using the oxygen, are part of every one
    > of our cells, called mitochondria. So very higher cell is a product of
    > the fusion of several different kinds of bacteria: the spirochetes,
    > which brought mobility into life; and the mitochondria, which produced
    > much more energy than before.
    > This excess energy is the basis of all higher life, and if you violate
    > it -- if you don't let the oxygen come into the organism; if the blood
    > is oxidized by poppers [nitrites] or sulfinamides [including sulfa
    > drugs like Bactrim and Septra]; or if the transit way between the
    > and the cells is poisoned by heavy metals, or the lack of essential
    > fatty acids; or when the mitochondria are destroyed in the cells, due
    > to the lack of nutrition, or antibiotics -- the oxygen cannot be
    > transported from the blood to the cells. Then the cell is not able to
    > produce enough energy. It either may die, resulting in inflammation;
    > when it's possible for a cell to survive, it will become cancerous.
    > When the cell is producing only fermentation, then that's cancer, as
    > Otto Warburg already detected in the 1940's.
    > They knew from the very beginning that cancer cells have only
    > markers on their surface. From a biological, evolutionary point of
    > it makes sense that a cancer cell is a reduction to an embryonic
    > It de-differentiates due to the lack of energy, and it waits until the
    > lack of energy is over in order to differentiate again. Of course, if
    > the lack of energy persists, it loses genetic material; and these were
    > the old criteria to define cancer, when cells lost a lot of genetic
    > material, because then they lost the ability to differentiate again.
    > An embryonic cell goes into a unicellular state. It behaves like a
    > unicellular organism, like a bacterium. It loses the ability to stop
    > replication when coming into contact with other cells. So knowing
    > evolutionary biology, you are able to explain everything.
    > In order to explain failure to find a retrovirus that directly caused
    > cancer, they claimed to be able to measure the immune system. But this
    > is ridiculous. In the Journal of the American Medical Association,
    > August 28, 1981, it was published that it makes no sense to measure
    > lymphocytes in the blood because only a few of them are in the blood.
    > The immune system is carried out, not in the blood, but in the
    > Only rarely and accidentally do we see some of them in the blood.
    > already carried out thousands of studies which have proven no
    > correlation between disease or health, in old or young, in T-cells;
    > even less, of course, in T-cell subsets.
    > But, even though they knew that these T-cell tests had not meaning,
    > they were selling them to the market. Beginning in 1977, starting in
    > the United States, it was possible to patent biological entities or
    > biological techniques, so people started to make money out of
    > biological ideas.
    > This is the definite turning point when modern medicine and modern
    > biology lost their 'Unschuld', their innocence. That's it. The immune
    > surveillance theory of cancer -- the belief that if you measure the
    > strength of the immune system, then you could see when you are going
    > develop cancer -- was the basis of AIDS, the thinking about AIDS. They
    > said if your immune functions are weak, you are going to develop all
    > viral forms of opportunistic infections and all forms of cancer. And
    > this never happened, as a matter of fact. In AIDS we never have seen
    > opportunistic infections. We have never seen all viral forms of
    > only one form of cancer, KS [Kaposi's sarcoma].
    > It clearly demonstrates that AIDS is not caused by HIV virus
    > as such does not exists, but by a FUNGI which feeds on OXYGEN.
    > The oxygen starvation causes Acquired Energy Deficiency Syndrome
    > leading to full blown cancer known as KS [Kaposi's sarcoma].
    > "AIDS" has to be replaced by the term "AEDS," "Acquired Energy
    > Deficiency Syndrome," and we would keep up the term "AIDS" only in the
    > form of Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.
    > It demonstrates fraud committed by the researchers and medical
    > scientists who know that they never isolated viruses despite
    > suggest that you can treat what does not exists, instead treating
    > the mechanism of real cause - an opportunistic fungal growth instead
    > of alleged non existing virus HIV.

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