Re: Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome - oh yeah?
Posted by Mary on 7/16/04
Right... So, how is this little effort for truth, justice and the american
way going? Remember, swallow the meds, don't fake it.
On 7/15/04, To Mary wrote:
> On 7/14/04, Mary wrote:
>> Hey Brain Boy:
>> Time to ask the nice man to take you back to your room. Too much
>> computer time is bad for your oxygen saturation. Remember to actually
>> SWALLOW your medication, don't just fake it. Really enjoyed your post.
>> Best Regards,
>> Mary
>> PS: I can see you through your monitor when you type.
> Don't judge others by same standard you are beeing judged,
> it is only your personal problem and not the problem of others.
> Virus Fraud
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