Re: Acquired Intellect, does it lead to "truth"? DD
Posted by ff on 7/27/04
On 7/27/04, v wrote:
> even pet owners are required to take good care of their animals, under the law.
Correct! And for wildlife as well. The USAF flew a killer whale from Iceland to the US
west coast. There's a hospital for sea turtles in key west. If DD were a manatee, and
her landlord treated her like that, he'd be in jail.
Now, I love nature and wildlife, but what are we doing? A "pet" tiger got loose in
South Florida. Florida's wildlife agency was considering prosecuting a lady who threw
her pig in the trunk, and suggested they make it squeal, to draw the tiger in so it
could be safely captured. Meanwhile, the same agency, killed the tiger. Now the agency
is accused of being "murderers," because the officer shot defensively. Had this same
public rather the officer sacrifce his life, to save a tiger, so it could eat its owner
one day?
In Daytona, several homeless people were trampled as the crowd rushed to "save" a
beached whale... Maybe corporations should seek volunteer stockholders as experimental
subjects and leave animals and the unsuspecting public alone? And so on and so on, just
to take a break for a moment. Mary knows all this, that's why she's baking cookies all
the time.
>> FF,In Mary's world, people like me don't matter, consequently neither do our rights,
constitutional or otherwise. She just gets a thrill out of stirring up the pot; like the
bully in the school yard.DDOn 7/25/04, ff wrote: >> Mary,>> Crazy discussions. However,
TODAY, when defendants shirk responsibility by > claiming, after the fact, that they
were not reliable (i.e. they're liars and > cheaters then) and therefore it is
unreasonable that someone would rely on what > they say/represent, I have to wonder.
That's about as nutty as some claim, some > sound here. >> A statement on products such
as "Purchase and use at your own risk. The > statements made here are not reliable. We
lie, cheat, deliberately and with > conscience..." may not be so bad? Would it be
better to know they're liars and > cheaters, before the fact, and therefore they cannot
be reliable?>> Of course, the nature of the product is important. Consider a such a
statement on > your gardening tools versus baked goods versus pharmaceuticals?>> A lot
of lawsuits could be prevented if in DD's case for example, the landord were > to tell
her in advance that he was a liar and don't believe anything he says or > writes or
agrees to? Likely, DD would have gone elsewhere.>>> ff>> On 7/25/04, mary wrote: >>
Greetings from earth....>>>> Mary>>>> On 7/24/04, agree wrote: >>> On 7/16/04, v
wrote: >>>> On 7/15/04, To Mary wrote: >>>>> On 7/14/04, Mary wrote: > Hey Brain Boy:>>
Time to ask the nice man to take >>> you back to your room. Too much > computer time is
bad for your oxygen >>> saturation. Remember to actually > SWALLOW your medication,
don't just fake >> it. >>> Really enjoyed your post.>> Best Regards,>> Mary>> PS: I can
see you through >>> your monitor when you type.> Don't judge others by same standard
you are >>> beeing judged, it is only your personal problem and not the problem of
>>> others. Virus
Fraud>>>>>>>>>>>> To whom it may concern: re: viruses. i know nothing about
biology, hell! i >>> cant even spell it. but from what i remember. bacteria & virus, are
from two >>> different familys. not even related. from the picture i see, they look more
>>> like bacteria. altho i have seen certain viruses under the microscope. they >>>
resemble the picture. i know they have different shapes & forms. & certain of >>> them
attack diffrent organs in the body. i find this all very interesting. >>> somone is
saying we are being duped. let me guess! by the drug companys. >>> continue on. the more
this goes, the more i learn. i dont discount anything. >>> untill i'm convinced other
wise.>>>>>>>>> After reading all, hat we are being dupped.>>> It is not the first
time the scam is pulled on all to make money.>>>>>> It is uncommon that with such
evidence judge gave the government official >> 8 >>> months in jail for providing
false informaton to general population that >>> HIV causes AIDS. >>> When yoiu
compare the pics including EBOLA it looks like thaose are >>> some "other
inconsistant shapes". Further even bacteria has consistant >>> while fungi
don't.>>>>>> So the thesis that AIDS is caused by a fungi better fits the
picture >>> than the NEVER found retrovirus.>>>>>> I found this reading
fascinating.>>>>>> It only shows that the American Sociaety is really suffering
from >>> Missing intelligence gene, and the Acquired Intelligence Defficiency >>>
Syndrome fits well all so called experts.>>>>>> Fungi lives of oxygen and this
could explain the extreme tiredness as >>> LANKA named it Acquired Energy
eficiency Syndrome.>>>>>> The poster Mary well fits the discussed profile of
mising intelligence >>> gene. Rather than reading and trying to understand she
reads the boittom >>> of the coffee ....>>> >>>>>> href="">Can you >> spot >>>
the 'real HI Virus' among these images?>>>>>>">Does HIV exist at >>> all? What about the HIV-
genome?>>>>>> HIV researchers believe the AIDS virus looks like this; like a bomb or
water >>> (blood) mine. This model is based on the detection of cellular particles in
>>> cell lines under very special conditions. Such particles never have been >>>
isolated or somehow else demonstrated to exist as a virus or be of viral >>> origin.
This is nothing but a modell based on a collection of proteins of >>> various size (no
other characterization!) which by antibody detection (known >> as >>> HIV- or AIDS-test)
have been chosen to be said to represent parts of HIV >>> according to the ill-minded
and false concept of retroviruses and how they >>> should look like.>>>>>>>>>
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