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    Re: Ajit Arora and mold

    Posted by v on 3/23/05

    Helen: There is a web site to
    check Dr.'s credentials and their
    history in their medical lives. I
    Had the site but not right now.
    You should give google a try see
    what you can come up with. If you
    can come up wit any dirt, maybe
    you can present it at your
    hearing. Not sure if it's
    admissable. Maybe through your
    atty., then you got some ammo.
    good luck.

    On 3/23/05, Helen wrote:
    > On 3/31/04, BML wrote:
    >> On 3/17/04, curious in Alaska
    >>> Has anyone had to be evaluated
    by Ajit Arora of Parthenia
    >>> Medical Group for a mold
    issue? He is making quite a name
    >>> for himself in Hawaii posing
    as an expert on mold. If you
    >>> have seen him or know of
    anyone who has, please come
    >>> forward and share the
    >>> Thank you, Curious in Alaska
    >> Me and my two teenagers went to
    see him and he is the worse.
    >> Knows nothing and if you do a
    search of his name on the
    >> Internet you'll know. He
    charged about $5000 each to the
    >> attorney, who will take that
    out of your pocket at
    >> settlement, the only problem is
    you want get more than
    >> $10,000 for settlement with
    him. He is known to testify for
    >> the defense mainly here in the
    states. Lawyers think that
    >> they can pay him off for
    testimony, and if they do it is
    >> respected in court. Go to the
    best -Dr Marinkovich in San
    >> Francisco, he is best and he
    knows how to treat you with
    >> anti-fungals. He does blood
    test accurately at Stanford and
    >> he graduated from Harvard. The
    insurance business hates him
    >> because they tried to seek Ca.
    Medical Board on him and the
    >> Board threw it out within a
    couple of days. So he is proven.
    >> He will charge you $330 for
    office visit and $500 for blood
    >> test. If you don't spend any
    other money and you can only
    >> afford one person in the family
    to go, he is tried and true
    >> and one of the most intelligent
    people I have ever meet.
    > Hi,
    > My name is Helen. I'm due to see
    Dr. Arora on April 12, 2005.
    > Is there anyone out there that
    can tell me if he has had any
    > law suits brought against him?
    Any help would be appreciated. I
    > am being sent to him by my
    employers attorneys. I had bi-
    > lateral carpal tunnel. after
    surgeries, I ended up getting RSD?
    > Raynaud's. Obviously, my
    employers lawyers disagree with my
    > primary Dr. about my diagnosis.
    I am currently in a Worker's
    > Comp suit against my employer.
    I'm very scared about seeing
    > thid Dr. I've also heard that he
    will lie in court and say
    > these conditions are not work-
    related, which, by the way, they
    > are. Usually, there is an
    underlying condition which will
    > RSD?Raynaud's, but in my case
    it's different. I do not have any
    > other condition. I'm just afraid
    he will say something totally
    > off the wall about my condition.
    Anybody, please, I need all
    > the amo I can get on this so-
    called Dr. that suppossedly knows
    > everything.
    > Thank you,
    > Helena

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