Post: CO insurance settlement

Posted by Injured's mom on 3/19/04
My daughter was exposed to carbon monoxide while staying at a Holiday Inn. She was treated very roughly at first by the staff, and when they tried to contact the hotel management about felling ill in their room they were told they probably drunk or using drugs. After calling thie parent's and being told to go the emergency room, the hotel did an about face and gave them comps. The hotel's insurance company paid most of my daughter's medical bills, but they stopped paying them at thier cap which left my daughter with deliquent medical bills that are now on her credit history. The insurance company did not inform us that they had a dollar cap on medical treatment until I was contacted by a collection company for the hospital. They are now offering my daughter $1500 to close out the case. As far as we know, neither girl suffered any effects from the exposure, but my daughter's blod gas was very high initally. Should we accept the $1500 or should we pursue this further?
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