Post: Recall: nasal spray decongestant
Posted by ff on 3/21/04
The product was recalled after a hospital in Colorado
reported infections and found Burkholderia cepacia, in the
DD, in your research maybe you could find why this
organism, pseudomonas, was renamed Burholderia cepacia.
It is also a common plant pathogen, and that's where I
first saw the name change. Research indicates that a
common fungicide routinely applied to soil (and
incorporated into paints, coatings, and materials) causes
shifts in populations to dominance by pseudomonas.
Is pseudomonas on your list of microbes tested for? I'd
place pseudomonas into the group of ignored pathogens in
IAQ situations, along with fusarium and cyanobacteria.
One agency's theory was that the three flourish after
chemical application.
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