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    Re: Recall: nasal spray decongestant

    Posted by dd on 3/28/04

    Never any doubt in my mind about the synergistic effect of chemicals and
    microbes. Wish I had time and resources to research this one.

    Better yet, wish I had a magic wand to go back in time and never move in
    the place. I get hung up on the fact that my landlords had knowledge that
    they were causing harm, as did Terminex, but they continued on with their
    negligent behavior, oblivious to the harm my son and I experienced.
    On 3/28/04, ff wrote:
    > Thanks DD, RPenn. Interestingly. it looks like the anti-fungals
    > incorporated into paints, coatings, materials, pharmaceuticals, ag
    > chemicals, have adverse effects on non-target organisms including
    > pseudomonads (aeruginosa, fluorescens, putida...). In fact, the anti-
    > fungals, in some instances, are actually a food source for the microbes.
    > Anti-fungal + moisture = bacterial growth (on/in treated indoor
    > surfaces). And again, we probably are dealing with resistance fungal
    > strains as well. So, for the one-thing-thinkers, it's likely not just
    > one thing. We need to look at the impact of chemicals on the (indoor)
    > microbial community.
    > ff
    > On 3/24/04, RPenn wrote:
    >> Note CDC's MMWR Dispatch for 03/24/04
    >> In addition, from what I understand, B cepacia was previously
    >> classified as a Pseudemonas, but is different than P aeruginosa.
    >> RP
    >> On 3/24/04, dd wrote:
    >>> Found it on sbc, "aureobasidium pullulans"
    >>> On 3/24/04, dd wrote:
    >>>> No, and I looked it up! Can't find the post, either.
    >>>> On 3/21/04, ff wrote:
    >>>>> Clarification:
    >>>>> The investigation referred to below was in Florida and not
    >>>>> related to the Colorado incident.
    >>>>> ff
    >>>>>> DD:
    >>>>>> Yes, it was recalled due to contamination with pseudomonas,
    >>>>>> whoops!, Burkholderia cepacia.
    >>>>>> Pseudomonas aeruginosa was an organism intended to be included
    >>>>>> in the investigation by the state (AEROTECH was the
    >>>>>> contractor).
    >>>>>> ff
    >>>>>> I was On 3/21/04, dd wrote:
    >>>>>>> I have no idea, but I had walking pnuemonia after
    >>>>>> exposure.
    >>>>>>> I refused to take the nasal decongestants that were given
    >>>>>> to
    >>>>>>> me because my symptoms got much worse after one dosage.
    >>>>>>> Most of these sprays contain steriods of some sort and that
    >>>>>>> is an immune system supressant. Saline water is best. Guess
    >>>>>>> I'll get the pharmacy company nazis after me now. Just
    >>>>>>> kidding, sort of.
    >>>>>>> Are you referring to the nasal spray itself being
    >>>>>>> contaminated with this bacteria?
    >>>>>>> You are speaking to someone who has been poisoned with
    >>>>>>> chlordane twice, once by landlord who worked at chemical
    >>>>>>> company and the other time by Terminex. Dioxin and a couple
    >>>>>>> of others were in the mix.
    >>>>>>> On 3/21/04, ff wrote:
    >>>>>>>> DD:
    >>>>>>>> The product was recalled after a hospital in Colorado
    >>>>>>>> reported infections and found Burkholderia cepacia, in the
    >>>>>>>> product.
    >>>>>>>> DD, in your research maybe you could find why this
    >>>>>>>> organism, pseudomonas, was renamed Burholderia cepacia.
    >>>>>>>> It is also a common plant pathogen, and that's where I
    >>>>>>>> first saw the name change. Research indicates that a
    >>>>>>>> common fungicide routinely applied to soil (and
    >>>>>>>> incorporated into paints, coatings, and materials) causes
    >>>>>>>> shifts in populations to dominance by pseudomonas.
    >>>>>>>> Is pseudomonas on your list of microbes tested for? I'd
    >>>>>>>> place pseudomonas into the group of ignored pathogens in
    >>>>>>>> IAQ situations, along with fusarium and cyanobacteria.
    >>>>>>>> One agency's theory was that the three flourish after
    >>>>>>>> chemical application.
    >>>>>>>> ff

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