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    Post: need TOP expert for occupational chemical cases

    Posted by Investigator on 3/27/04

    I'm investigating some cases for a plaintiff's firm here
    in the U.S. where employees have been exposed to a host of
    BaPs, PAHs, aluminum dust, arsenic and other known nasties
    in a poorly ventilated manufacturing plant. The employer
    has a history of allowing employees to be exposed
    unprotected to this stuff at all their plants. One young
    client only worked there for 5 years, never smoked
    cigarettes, has no family history of cancer, but
    contracted adenocarcinoma of the lungs and subsequently
    died at age 25. Many current employees are suffering from
    liver/kidney disorders and cancers, esophageal cancers,
    chronic repiratory problems, bilateral peripheral
    neuropathy, severe contact dermatitis/pre-skin cancers,
    and other problems associated with toxic chemical
    exposures. We know the science is on our client's side on
    these and other cases, that their employers and third
    parties should be held accountable for poisoning them. We
    have a lot of related CLL, CML, AML, and NHL cases to work-
    up as well.....The firm with whom I'm employed has worked
    with many top notch experts nationwide in the past on some
    litigation in this area but we're moving quickly to make
    these types of cases a very busy practice group in our
    firm. We're hoping to identify and speak with only THE
    BEST--the most knowledgeable and experienced medical and
    occupational experts in the United States who can bring
    some hard-hitting credibility to these cases. We need
    experts willing to not only consult directly with our
    clients and review their records, but with the capability
    to submit near-bulletproof authoritative written opinions
    and testimony at trial or deposition when called upon. If
    you think you have what it takes, or know of someone that
    does, please kindly contact me with the referral and/or
    attach your CV to this e-mail address:

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