Re: Three Years Later, Industry Puts Toxic Mold into Perspec
Posted by johncodie on 3/30/04
I can see your still sore about losing the Ballard Case!
What was the response from Farmers, We are proud that we were
not found guilty of fraud, and we were only found guilty of
bad faith in this claim on mold remediation. Now that you
have found this compelling evidence that the Ballard home was
just fine all along, contrary to the CDC and other federal
health publications, you might want sue Ms Ballard for
Fraud. Farmers did indicate that she committed fraud and
caused her own damages making her lose her world as she knew
it. Your case does not stand up in facts as I learned from
Ms Ballard and got every bit of evidence I could even
including your "Mold Busting Experts from Corpus Christie".
I was up last night fixing a leak under the dishwasher to
preclude a problem from future mold. If I listen to you
Jack, I could have put it off because you say mold is just an
irritant. And did we mention that the City Inspectors used
the International Building Codes to Condemn the house the
Expert Mold Busters from Texas Claimed to just need patching
and painting in public, but in private was a festering "mold"
problem. Oh this modern world of speech identification is a
marvel. Did I mention the remediation company that was going
to use the remediation product, "cow utter sanitizer" mixed
with paint to remediate the mold that was otherwise not a
problem? Did I mention the defense experts, HVAC Engineer,
Photomart Manager, Candel Stick maker? I don't know why you
pay these guys $165 an hour when the plantiffs are bringing
in a member of the American Board of Toxicology from the
EPA, and Former Military special forces toxin experts. They
are worth at least twice what the defense is paying. If you
think you have the "mold issue" and the courts by the tail,
just wait for the next major hurricane with flooding. Your
casualty claims adjusters will do the same poor job of
showing up, and not be able to handel the number of claims.
They will just say it will dry out, or don't worry it was not
flood waters, so it is clean water. Or they probably have
heard that you have all the answers on mold not being a
problem so they can again take their time and ingnore the CDC
guidelines for a time line.
When an officer of the law stops an individual for an
inspection of the person's credentials he assumes some of the
liability for the safety of the individual. When an
insurance company comes to person's home to inspect a claim
and is too busy and delay's the process of removal or clean-
up, they become liable for spoliation. Forget about "mold"
for now, The insurance company is either a part of the
solution, or a part of the problem. There is no in-between.
You may have yourself convienced, and you may have some
policy maker's convienced; but what you say does not
represent the truth, and will not hold water in a court of
law. When your representatives start taking steps to
minimize what they see in order to meet a predetermined price
they have in mind, it is Bad Faith in the worst form. When
they take actions to hide the turth, or influence individuals
to not properly investigate, and present false reports under
sworn testimony they are committing fraud. Can you think of
any reason a persons claim file would be considered
as "priviledged"? Can you think of any reason a person's
home toxicology report would be considered as "priviledged"?
Can you think of any reason an insurance company would leave
a million dollars in an account after the policy had been
sold after three years???? Give you a hint, it is not "mold"
but it comes close. All you have to do Jack is cite all
these wonderful published studies you claim to have full
knowledge about and it all goes away. Otherwise we are going
to assume your full of it "it is not mold".
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