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    Re: Three Years Later, Industry Puts Toxic Mold into Perspec

    Posted by dd on 3/30/04


    On 3/30/04, Greg Weatherman wrote:
    > Jack,
    > 1) Why is the CDC still investigating mold and its effects
    > on human health? Are they re-investigating the clusters of
    > crib deaths in Cleveland again - even after Caoimhin P.
    > Connell swears the CDC debunked the earlier research by Dr.
    > Etzel, Dr. Dearborne, etal?
    > 2) Why did Dr. Clive Brown (MD with CDC) state a need to do
    > more research in the neurotoxicology and immunology effects
    > of mold at the ACGIH National Symposium in Orlando FL last
    > November (2003 is you have lost count).
    > 3) Why has Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and Dr. Ken Hudnell gained
    > traction in their research with the neurotoxic and
    > immunological research with actual patients? It must be for
    > real or the FDA would not have audited Dr. Shoemaker's
    > records.
    > 4) Why has the EPA started research in these same areas?
    > Could it be that these government agencies know deep down
    > that Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and Dr. Ken Hudnell are at the
    > forefront of human health and the microbial environment?
    > 5) What about Steve Vesper's EPA research with fungal
    > hemolysins?
    > My personal opinion is the government agencies are actually
    > investigating instead of "looking busy" because the
    > politically appointed policy makers have realized the
    > embarrassment of others proving what they (policy makers not
    > scientists) ignored. Administrators have to have public
    > documents proof-read by these policy makers who have the
    > ultimate say - even if they don't know a carbuncle from a
    > hemorrhoid
    > The real ivory tower is the offices of the government policy
    > makers who know little more than the current list of
    > political party fundraisers. How many policy decisions do
    > you think are made at catered events where a pave of beef
    > tenderloin with pattipan squash, corn pudding and asparagus
    > are served? Are they working on their next career move with
    > Corporate America? "I'll see what I can do......."
    > Now they have to let the government scientist do the research
    > the government scientist have been saying to do for years.
    > Jack, "coffee table literature" like you're citing is
    > a Readers Digest in the bathroom.
    > The only people reading it are usually full of it.
    > Have a nice day,
    > Greg Weatherman
    > Aerobiological Solutions Inc.
    > ***********************************************************

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