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    Re: Three Years Later, Industry Puts Toxic Mold into Perspec

    Posted by johncodie on 4/01/04

    On 3/31/04, Jack wrote:
    > I don't work for for Farmers and am no longer in the busines
    > so I could give a s*#t about Farmers.

    This sounds like you saw the light of day. When did you decide
    that being a representaive of the insurance industy was just not
    worth the effort. I have read alot about how the guys that stay
    on the road months out of a year can't depend upon a livable
    income from the insurance industry paying a decent wage for the
    knowledge and front line personnel skills these guys have to

    In my opinion Farmers won this away what they did
    in the Ballard case is pocket change for this company and and
    realistically only a fraction of all the fraudulent mold claims
    they paid out.

    So Winning the case in your opinon is having a jury find evidence
    to warrent a 32 million dollar judgement, the company admits bad
    faith, and advertise they are not found guilty of fraud? If
    Farmer's bread and butter is trust with the insurer's of the
    World to put their money with them rather than someone else; it
    sounds like they lost a major Public Release opportunity. What
    other commodity does the insurance industry provide besides a
    promise to make whole in case of an unlikeyly event.

    In my opinion both parties are at fault... (Contributary
    Negligence ?)

    incompetence vs. money train...

    Ms Ballard is a very competent Public Relations person. I doubt
    that she was ever not heard, or misunderstood.

    Now concerning money train... did you expect Ms Ballard to foot
    all the repairs and then wait until Hell froze over for Farmers
    to send her a check for all her incompetence

    If Farmers hired the people that were to come find the problems
    with the house are they not competent to relove the problem
    before it becomes a 32 million dollar reduced, not counting the
    bad public opinon? Either side could have called anyone up to
    the $300 dollar an hour toxicologists.

    Good for you maintaining your home...

    In my industry people die if leaks are not found and fixed, and
    the industry from Texas your refer to, Houston, Corpus Christie
    sent over their best three times, after the industry had sent
    even more. We have video of them smelling contents and claiming
    no mold, and upon removal and destruction we found the boxes
    never opened and contents like redwing boots and leather shoes
    growing together. For those boxes of contents no compensation
    was provided in the estimates, and they had been made available
    for inspection for seven years.

    you would be suprised how many Americans do not and then blame
    someone else for their problems.

    After a hurricane delunged my home and all the contents saturated
    with moisture contents up to 100%, i got critisized for opening
    up the interior walls and letting the A/C dry the interior. The
    adjuster said it would be fine since it was not flood water, just
    let it dry. It just about boiled down to blaming me for the
    hurricane and not going to the bank to borrow a quarter of a
    million dollars on top of existing notes to finance all the
    repairs, on top of all the other labor, and moving we had paid
    out of pocket. In their opinion my knowledge over their
    adjuster's knowledge made me negligent.

    It a shame there isn't a bad faith clause in the policy for a
    homeowner not taking care of their home.

    There is a clause there if ever an adjuster would take the time
    to sit down with an attorny and look at the words. The insurance
    company always retains the rights to come and examine the home
    for potential problems. We had ours checked four years before
    the storm. The company wanted to see the dead bolts, the fire
    etinquishers and the overall condition of the home. They were
    satisfied and just kept taking the checks every year.

    I wish you could have been in my shoes when I handled claims in
    > the houston area a couple of years ago in the height of this
    > hysteria. Contractors, public adjusters, remediators and just
    > plain con-men new exactly how to play the game.
    I was talking with the paralegal downtown Houston at that time
    when Houston was flooded; they were just starting to deal with
    the miscommunications as I had been dealing with it for the past
    four years. In my opinion the insurance industry was doing
    everything they could to justify the rate increases, while they
    were greezing the skids of the judicial sides to say no problem
    to mold, while there was no scientific support. The paralegal
    also found mold in her closets, having an inflicted child at
    home; and the law firms attorney discovered he had Cancer. I
    know how the gam is played, we prepare for it every day. The
    game is called all out war. There is nothing Civil about it and
    no need to lessen the blows.

    Like I said the problem hasn't gone away. As long as newer homes
    are "moldy" and the realtors are divided, and the contractors
    unsure how they got that way; there is a huge liability brewing.

    I am sure if Farmers would have been on the up put the competent
    people on the problem people in Texas would be smiling rather
    facing off over the battle lines. Insurance is supposed to be a
    betterment of Socity and its policy held to a higher standard
    than a standard Contract. Is should not be an instrument to
    divide and cause Civil disobidence.


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