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    Posted by Geraldine Agatha on 4/20/04

    Tried working in a health food store once because there I
    wouldn't encounter too many toxic exposures with my MCS,
    but let me warn you that customer service jobs are the
    *worst* ...and never again will I settle for one!
    People are irritable, frustrated, and very demanding when
    they walk into a store, thinking the sales clerk is there
    to not only do their shopping for them, but have all the
    answers to their boundless, diverse questions. If you
    don't conform to their high expectations they immaturely
    make false complaints to your naive boss to have you fired.
    And if I got another job elsewhere and endured misery from
    being exposed to toxins, I wouldn't be allowed to *show*
    my discontent, and discomfort, because you must look happy
    and be full of verbal energy to respond correctly in the
    big communication game. But for all anyone knows or cares,
    the MCS employee is suffering and should be allowed to
    look unhappy about it without being fired for it!!!
    On the other hand if you're in a rush with your job, they
    don't like that either. Tell me, who the hell would want
    to linger longer in an environment making them sick?

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