Re: Alive
Posted by Poisoned One on 2/07/06
On 5/11/04, DD wrote: > It's alive, alive. Great to see it back. Was mourning an > old friend. > Anybody heard of Dr. Hershel Toomim in Cal.? > What is hypoperfusion of brain? Does oxygenation really > help with cognitive dysfunction? > DD No, to the doctor question, but hypoperfusion of the brain is generally referred to hypoperfusion of oxygen, in particulart after chemical exposures. Oxygenation at very low hyperbaric levels over a 6 week period or an at home version with a rebreathing mask made of an inert (not plastic) substance can increase oxygenation in the brain tissues (perfusion of oxygen). A SPECT scan will show if you have damage that requires this type of treatment-PoisonedOne
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