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    Re: Alive

    Posted by dd on 6/25/04

    On 5/13/04, DD wrote:
    > Can posts before summer last be retrieved?
    > On 5/11/04, DD wrote:
    >> It's alive, alive. Great to see it back. Was mourning an
    >> old friend.
    >> Anybody heard of Dr. Hershel Toomim in Cal.?
    >> What is hypoperfusion of brain? Does oxygenation really
    >> help with cognitive dysfunction?
    >> DD

    After explaining health problems, specifically rapid onset
    memory impairment, occurring during exposure to specific molds
    and pesticides and subsequent improvement upon removal from
    exposure to self-proclaimed memory researcher, I was told that
    drug interactions caused these problems.

    I cannot tell if this person was implying that prescribed
    medications from misdiagnosis caused my problems or if they
    were implying that I had a 'drug' problem. Were they being
    condescending or trying to show superior knowledge?

    Another person, retired chemical plant operator, said they
    developed 'chemical sensitivities' during employment when they
    heard of my story. The obvious difference between our
    situations is that they were receiving compensation for working
    at a job that included known exposure, or potential exposure,
    to toxic chemicals. My son and I were paying rent, under
    contract(lease) with a landlord, who deliberately and
    willfully, exposed us to toxic substances, without our
    knowledge or consent, while engaging in criminal acts-repeated
    unauthorized entries into our home.

    Any further attempts to demean or defame my character in an
    effort to excuse their criminal behavior and a civil system
    that tolerates this, is salt to the wound and symptomatic of an
    underlying decay of our system. IF this difference must be
    explained further, the person is either an imbecile or a

    I urge all renters to carefully read their leases before
    signing and to invest in surveillance cameras to ensure that
    unscrupulous landlords are not freely entering your place
    without your knowledge.

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