Posted by SICK on 10/29/06
RE: AgraQuest - For those that may be interested: Dave was sick after only working for 4 months. Had to go to emergency medical clinic, an ent the next day and less than `1/2 month had 1st sinus surgery. He went back to work and continued to be sick and everyone knew it. His term of employment (assistant researcher) was 6 months to 1 year and was told "his position was being terminated". He tried to get his employment file in 2000 through the AQ attorney but this was not furnished until 4+ years later through a subpoena. What was found upon review of this file was beyond disbelief. He had a tro filed on him 7 months AFTER he left the company (believed to be the result of him thinking he had 18 months and he could publish what he thought company was sitting on a fantastic product. The tro was a guize to keep him away from the company. The judge denied it because there was no cause for such an action. (this decision was NOT in his employment file) Employees were led to believe that he had threatened an employee which was not true. He has had 2 more sinus surgeries and many other procedures. What is found in him is what was at the lab. Another fungus was recently discovered... He has to now have a 4th sinus surgery. He has had to go on IV immunoglobin infusions every 28 days because he does not produce b-cells anymore. This has taken down his immune system. He got sick at AQ and continues to be sick. We were recently told that noone is going to help him because of what the employees were told about him. This is not true and in fact is slaunderous. We now know that AQ covered-up what happened to him and just wanted him gone. We only want the truth out. His immune system is now at 330 and should be 750+. He was wronged by this company. If we can't find out what all is in him I don't think he has a very promising future. As a relative I "swear to God" that he has never been sick like this... he only had seasonal allergies. Someone has got to come forward and tell the truth. By you having to sign a contract saying you will not say anything bad about the company is only covering up what has happened to Dave and probably many more. Dave's life and possibly your life is of value. You have been misled if you think Dave was ever a threat to the company or its employees as you have been told. This is just not true. I know that many of you have stock with the company. Doesn't a human life mean more than trying to protect a company who doesn't really care about the employee.... only themselves? I beg someone to come forward. PLEASE. We don't want to lose Dave. I can be contacted: You will remain anonamous. We just need some facts. Thank you.
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