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    Re: Dr. Richard Lipsey

    Posted by Deborah D on 1/21/07

    Dr. Lipsey tested my place for mold. I was very happy with
    his work and am extremely grateful that I had the good fortune
    to find him. If he hadn't tested and identified the molds in
    my place, I would have been completely written off. The
    various doctors I saw didn't have a clue what was ailing me,
    one even suggested I see a "counselor" as I had been under so
    much stress. I faced ridicule and dismissal even with the
    serious illness, losses, and professionally identified molds.

    Now that mycotic illnesses are being "recognized", I have
    gotten at least one or two grudging semblances of
    apologies...doesn't replace my time, belongings, health, grad
    school, home, but if Dr. Lipsey hadn't done the testing, I'd
    never have even gotten that.

    Had I been successful in continuing my law suit, Dr. Lipsey
    was prepared to testify on my behalf. I cannot stress enough
    how grateful I am for his work. Due to him I was able to hang
    on to my sanity, self-esteem, and confidence in my self.

    On 1/21/07, AmerAcadMed1 wrote:
    > On 1/19/07, Ira Besserman wrote:
    >> I am interested in hearing about people's experiences
    >> working with Dr. Richard Lipsey. Thank you.
    > Dr. Richard Lipsey is an outstanding forensic toxicologist
    > that has been a speaker at the national medical convention
    > the American Acad. of Med. several times. He has worked for
    > EPA, USDA, the University of Florida, but now does mostly
    > consulting as a forensic toxicologist. I refer you to Dr.
    > Shoemaker and Dr. Mike Gray or Dr. Jack Thrasher and other
    > additional information on this outstanding toxicologist.
    > AmerAcadMed1

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