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    Re: Dr. Richard Lipsey - SPAMMER

    Posted by johncodie on 1/24/07

    On the message thread right mouse click on Dr. Lipsey's post and Dr.
    Thresher's post and look at the properties. Now look at the address
    http:// you can see the date and see the source ip numbers!!!!

    That would indicate that these two posters are the one and the same???
    since they are the same???

    Now do the same thing with Deb or Sharon and guess what they are not the
    same? Check with different dates of submission.

    No you can see why irritated is perhaps not far off the mark. The same
    goes for people that slam Richard, as using the same ip and posting at
    3:30 AM for different people. Now what are the odds of two people across
    this creat international internet answering a post within 4 minutes of it
    being posted.

    Now why would a man that need to get free advertisment when he is in the
    six figures? Like any one else watch the pennies and count the dollars.


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