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    Post: Richard

    Posted by johncodie on 1/22/07

    I would say that Richard is an expert in his field and does
    a pretty good job of promoting himself in the industry.
    Our attornys, which were many worked with him and had both
    positive and negatives. He exceeded the others that were
    selected by the insurance industry, but they were not
    toxicologist. Which goes on to does your expert need to be
    the person taking the samples. The cost of sampling is
    high, and the cost of using Richard is very, very expensive
    for the individual. When including travel time, and
    supplies, and correspondence for one trip back ten years
    ago one would be looking for a bill of $10,000 to $15,000.
    If fully employed that would be somewhere between 1.5 to
    2.0 millon a year.

    I know Richard is not a medical doctor as he can not
    provide a medical diagnosis, and can not provide
    treatment. He can provide expert testimony as to what
    toxins are capabable of doing, and has been involved in
    millon dollar cases being won. He has been on a winning
    team more than once.

    I am sure with the start of the new year he is trying to
    get more exposure and clients lined up for more trips. I
    use the term Richard because I consider him a friend rather
    than a foe, but in business. It should and always be buyer
    beware. His credentials are on his web site and perhaps he
    can clarify his current fees here, or in seperate

    He is like any any other Joe, or Jane making a living the
    good old fashioned way. He works for it!



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