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    Re: Canada Posits Mold Guidelines

    Posted by MBobMean on 1/25/07

    On 1/25/07, MBobMean wrote:

    FYI, look about 1/4 to 1/3 down on the screen:




    Physical and chemical properties

    The word "mould" is a common term referring to fungi that
    can grow on building materials in homes or other buildings.
    Mould growth can influence air quality because both spores
    and mycelial fragments are dispersed into the air and can be
    inhaled. Their penetration into the bronchial tree depends
    on their size. The smaller particles penetrate deeper into
    the lungs.

    Three features of mould biochemistry are of special interest
    in terms of human health:

    Mould cell walls contain (1->3)-ß-D-glucan, a compound with
    inflammatory properties;
    Mould spores and mycelial fragments contain allergens; and
    The spores of some species contain low molecular weight
    chemicals that are cytotoxic or have other toxic properties
    (e.g. satratoxins and atranones produced by Stachybotrys

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