Re: Boston Society for Advanced Therapeutics/ Angle
Posted by johncodie on 1/28/07
On 1/27/07, Irritated wrote:
> What on god's earth is this all about?
"As you are going after Richard with the associations to the
swamp land gators, Association to the University of Floridia
Gainsville; Angle jumped in with her accusations of my spelling,
and not knowing anything." I can't spell very well when I am in
a rush, like most times; but know a little bit about how things
in big business works.
Angle gave some clues to Jack and Richard and her group which
she defends. You know if you take "Angle and Dr. Thrasher" on a
web search it takes to the top of the list. Her site where she
list herself with the credentials BSAT. Well again if you go to
the web site seach again you find the Boston non-profit group.
Angle BSAT (Bachelors of Science in Advanced Technology, BS in
Applied Technology, Business Science in Applied Technology, or
Business Science in Advanced Technology. She can clarify if she
wishes. I don't think she can deny the Neveda group for which
our toxicolgist are a part of that she list her BSAT degree.
She claims to have Richard doing work for "her" personally or
for her group; the difference is who is really paying his
bills. That is the ripple effect from a Rooster crowing at
first light; some even crow in the middle of the night not
knowing what they are even crowing about, or what thier degrees
mean in the present day economy.
> On 1/26/07, John Codie wrote:
>> Angle BSAT
>> The membership to a non-profit organization for for drug
>> research as a association as Angel BSAT to a for-profit
>> Neveda Corporation for the evaluations of perfume's with
>> listed toxicologist, two of which are seen as grooming
> each
>> other on this board? The apple does not fall far from the
>> tree does it Angel? Say it doesn't affect your bottom
>> line? The reputations are your blood line to profits? I
>> thought is smelled special interest, but you know in the
>> south no all smells are offensive, or toxic. Lotts of
> luck
>> in your crusade!
>> jc
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