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    Post: CDC, OSHA Connection

    Posted by Johncodie on 4/05/07

    I don't think there is really any conspiracy between CDC
    and OSHA as to be influenced by a private medical
    evaluation board. OSHA is always going to depend upon
    outside sources of stanards to make the work places safer.
    The CDC based in Atlanta has been expanding a little bit
    beyond a data base for infectious diseases, but that still
    it pretty much its congressional charter for continued
    funding. They have suffered through the years like most
    all government agencies in cuts. The associations that
    influence doctors decision, and eventualy the decisions of
    the doctors for employment/health related benefits are
    going to be continued to be supported influcence by
    insurance, drug manufatures, etc. etc. etc.

    I have a car pool rider that swears by not buying/
    investing his monies in what is advertised on the tv
    programs heavily. There are some powerful brokers for
    products, and knowledge is power in the hands of a
    consumer. Most consumers are not smart enough to spend the
    time in discerning true value.

    Congress and our legislative branch will never completely
    shut the door to easy money. They look at is as one
    franchise supporting another franchise.


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