Post: Toxic Mold? Limitations uncovered...

Posted by ff on 5/15/07
Sharon, johncodie, YYstachy, et al.
What scares me about about Toxic Mold problems, opinions,
IAQ investigations, plaintiffs, defendants, sampling,
current/past research efforts, etc., - the imposed
limitations by unwillingness to broaden the thinking, and
a willingness to accept the end product.
This is not based speculation, but years extensive efforts
to solve environmental problems, which include, toxic
mold. To briefly explain, research and investigative
efforts were conducted to identify causes/solutions, years
before bringing in what is represented to be one of the
best IAQ/microbial firms in the world.
Absent the years of research prior to the IAQ/Mold firm's
involvement, the shortcomings/inadequacies of their
investigations and toxic mold efforts in general, would
never have surfaced.
This is typical of current efforts and the issue in
general. Those facing liability, or potential liability,
are no doubt pleased with their damage control efforts
(which equate to losses by the victims).
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