Re: Toxic Mold? Limitations uncovered...
Posted by johncodie on 5/15/07
People perceptions is that they are owed quality due to the sheer
fact of the sticker price. Nothing could be further from the
truth. "Cavet Emptor" If my fluffy popcorn sitting in the bag
moisture index is 12 to 14 % then nothing else within my home should
exceed that value. The interior walls a little more, or a little
less. All the people that post here think there is an inherent right
to habativilty, but think it is crazy to be running around with a
moisture meter checking for excessive levels. If you lived on a ship
you would be checking the seals for leaks! More and more of this
mutated mold,,,,,,,,,,sure it continus to grows. Why not just bite
the bullet and buy a good meter and ckeck the house, and hey it could
turn people into green thumbs with houseplants being at optiumum wet
conditions. And oh the benefits of the fresh air! Ah........ Life
is sweet.
Every once in a while they let the locomative engineer stick his head
out the window and get some fresh air.
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