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    Re: Sporicidin and Bleach

    Posted by John Code on 8/30/07

    Total Speculation but I would guess that a borax, industrial
    grade chlorine salt, and a water based primer sealer would be
    used. Any other water based pool chemical could have been used.
    Effectiveness would be minimum based upon mold saturation. You
    did not say how long the leak was allowed to continue along with
    the extent of saturation in the woods. These are boarder line
    clean up usage for areas that are properly dried.

    The offensive smell from total speculation could be a wood
    preservatives similar to cresote, tar, mineral oil; with a
    hydrogen sufied (rotten egg) smell or could be a embalming,
    formeldahyde concoction.

    Either way the young scientist should be bonded, and insured;
    and/or the person that hired the young scientist is financially
    responsible. There are several firms in the Texas area that are
    producing sporicides that they have been used sucessfully by the
    US Navy for mold abatement. I know for a fact that is a crock.

    If what was sprayed has this very offensive smell; take a sample
    to the best dry cleaners and give them a try. After it has
    been cleaned; bag it and give it a few weeks to see how clean it
    is. If your discriminating nose picks up the smell after
    cleaning; it is time to locate your favorite lawyer to find a
    cleaning contractor to give you an estimate for cleaning your
    worldly possessions.

    If that does not work, start with your local law enforcement as
    filing criminal charges for wreckless endangerment; and I bet
    the person has records of purchase of chemicals that will be
    used against them.

    Be very kind and accomodating and set the snare for proving
    their poor judgement, and negligence. You can't get blood out
    of a turnip that just jumped off the turnip truck; but you can
    get a life time supply of fresh vegatbles for the idiot that
    hired him.

    On 8/27/07, RemDude wrote:
    > I realize this advice is way too late, but nothing should be
    > using in your home that is not EPA approved.
    > No telling what was actually sprayed in your home and that
    > is beyond the point now. Most of what you are probably
    > smelling is nothing more than fragrance. Most of the
    > volatile compounds of the mixture have already outgased and
    > are most likely no longer present. Sporicidin has a residual
    > effect, however, there is nothing particularly dangerous
    > about the chemical.
    > Since you really don’t know what was used, you should have
    > all previously treated structural materials removed and
    > rebuilt to original specification. If the
    > restoration/remediation company balks, find legal
    > representation ASAP. Your case is pretty much a slam dunk
    > based upon what you are reporting. No point in gambling.
    > It is illegal to take EPA registered chemicals and apply
    > them in a method that is inconsistent with the label. Mixing
    > bleach with other volatile chemistry is not only extremely
    > dangerous, it’s blatantly illegal.
    > Good luck and keep us posted on your problem!
    > RemDude
    > On 8/26/07, Rick Kurland wrote:
    >> I'm in a dire situation.I had a small leak from my
    >> icemaker while we were on vacation and it leaked into and
    >> through the wall and a flood and fire repair company that
    >> I won't name at this time came in to clean it up and dry
    >> it out. After the tech cut out the wallboard at the base
    >> of the affected walls he sprayed a chemical into the areas
    >> that were damaged. My wife asked him what he sprayed and
    >> he said, "that he did not believe in his companies
    >> products and that he made his own concoction" with three
    >> different chemicals. Needless to say this is where the
    >> nightmare started. We had this done on the 6th of August
    >> and to make a long story short we were subjected to the
    >> fumes etc. for 11 days (stomach and headache problems
    >> etc.) before we evacuated the house which 21 days later we
    >> are still out of. Through the 11 days of exposure the
    >> owner of the "flood" repair co. came out and sprayed
    >> another chemical over the one the tech had created to try
    >> and what he said neutralize it and at this point we are
    >> not getting anywhere with them telling us what exactly it
    >> was he sprayed in addition to the original mixture. It was
    >> however determined that the original tech mixed sporicidin
    >> and bleach. He denies using three chemicals that he
    >> originally mixed.The owner had called me on the 11th day
    >> of exposure(when we moved out) and said after consulting
    >> with his chemist back east that his tech created a Phenol
    >> Based Pesticide. My concern is this, we have two known
    >> chemicals that were combined and now two that are unknown
    >> (the third missing from the original mixture) and the one
    >> the owner sprayed over the top.The odor that was created
    >> from all this was so thick that it has literally stuck to
    >> anyone entering the house and even after washing etc. the
    >> smell is still on the clothing.I demanded a hygenist come
    >> out to do a sampling of what we were subjected to and when
    >> he a arrived with his little air cylinder, mind you 18
    >> days after it happened he walked in and said" smells like
    >> regular cleaning materials to me" We know who's side he is
    >> on. My question is has anybody experienced the mixing of
    >> Sporicidin and bleach, and what could the other two
    >> unknown chemicals added to it have created? I have my own
    >> independent hygenist coming in to do hard sampling etc...
    >> but I'm afraid that to much time has passed eventhough the
    >> smell is still very strong in the house 21 days later.
    >> Please help with any insight I have 4 people and two dogs
    >> that are displaced.

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