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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by ff on 11/20/07

    Mike B.:

    Not the case, Mike B. Anything but. It was a strategy to draw you out,
    and it worked. Two conflicting scenarios presented, and you jumped too
    quick. From years of posts on this board, and my life in general,
    nothing could be seen as further from the truth. That's why regular,
    legitimate posters did not say anything...they knew something was up
    when I posted, but you didn't.

    Now, you are exposing yourself, based on this strategy, yet refusing to
    admit you've been had. Call me whatever you want. You've been had.
    You fell for it. Admit it. First you jumped to one conclusion, posted,
    then went back and read it over, saw the inconsistency where you fell
    for only one scenario, and you've been backing up ever since.

    Just like Sharon said, and as proven here now, you continually react and
    respond, negatively, without first, reading. You need help. You can't
    handle it alone. You're a stalker, your'e creepy, you creep out DD,
    others, I'll bet? Digging into irrelevant personal issues, get off your
    daddy's computer and grow up, seek help.


    On 11/20/07, Mike B. wrote:
    > Your comments below are remniscent of your crawfishing on your threats
    > against me to kick my a**.
    > Your comments about "overweight, intoxicated" plaintiffs getting
    > their "repossessed cars and jewelry" and "custom paint jobs" are very
    > telling about your disdain for a certain group of people.
    > The red on your neck is really showing.
    > On 11/20/07, ff wrote:
    >> To the contrary, contrary Mike B.
    >> As is typical, you didn't read it, you jumped, you tried to correct
    >> it, and having screwed up, you resort to the tactics we see below in
    >> your post. You were too easy to draw out, the sooner you admit to
    >> yourself what just happened to you, the better off you'll be. Now,
    >> I said admit to yourself, it's obvious to me, and probably everyone
    >> else.
    >> ff

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