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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by ff on 11/21/07

    Freud or fraud? I think you slipped. Are you involved in a fraudulent project,
    as revealed in your fraudulent slip?

    But let's get back to my last post - are you up for a legitimacy test?


    On 11/21/07, Mike B. wrote:
    > Freudian Projection is what you're doing.
    > On 11/21/07, ff wrote:
    >> Mike B.:
    >> Strategy from the start. You had your choice. You jumped. It was
    >> analagous to a "sting operation". You fell for it. Live with it. Go back
    >> and do some reading. Take a good look at your posts. Say what you want,
    >> pout, whine... You need help if you can't get over it.
    >> ff
    >> On 11/21/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >>> Yeah.....right. "Strategy" my a**. You're comments where stream of
    >>> consciousness straight from your redneck brain. Your true colors were
    >>> shown. Yes, I did notice nobody came to support you.
    >>> What other "issues" do you have? Your constant remarks about "Daddy's
    >>> computer" and "playgrounds" concern me.
    >>> On 11/20/07, ff wrote:
    >>>> Mike B.:
    >>>> Not the case, Mike B. Anything but. It was a strategy to draw you out,
    >>>> and it worked. Two conflicting scenarios presented, and you jumped too
    >>>> quick. From years of posts on this board, and my life in general,
    >>>> nothing could be seen as further from the truth. That's why regular,
    >>>> legitimate posters did not say anything...they knew something was up
    >>>> when I posted, but you didn't.
    >>>> Now, you are exposing yourself, based on this strategy, yet refusing to
    >>>> admit you've been had. Call me whatever you want. You've been had.
    >>>> You fell for it. Admit it. First you jumped to one conclusion, posted,
    >>>> then went back and read it over, saw the inconsistency where you fell
    >>>> for only one scenario, and you've been backing up ever since.
    >>>> Just like Sharon said, and as proven here now, you continually react and
    >>>> respond, negatively, without first, reading. You need help. You can't
    >>>> handle it alone. You're a stalker, your'e creepy, you creep out DD,
    >>>> others, I'll bet? Digging into irrelevant personal issues, get off your
    >>>> daddy's computer and grow up, seek help.
    >>>> ff

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