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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by ff on 11/21/07

    Mike B.:

    Regarding the possibility of meaningful or constructive disucussion, was that a
    refusal on your part? Keep in mind, I don't expect you to admit you erred.

    I would suggest you go back and read my post that you fell for. There was a
    big "OR" between the two OPPOSITIONAL scenarios. As written, clearly, neither
    scenario represented my thinking.

    Absent your combative, negative personality, you might have thought it over first.
    But, you had to jump and attack, without reading or thinking. That's where you
    messed up. You didn't get that until after you jumped, attacked, and them read it
    over. And, you've been back-pedaling ever since. Yes, you are consistent.

    Now, any ideas on constructive/relevant discussion?


    On 11/21/07, Mike B. wrote:
    > There's absolutely nothing inconsistent between my first two, or any subsequent,
    > posts. Consistent with my original post asking what you people were doing wrong
    > with your mold litigation, I next commented on your response that oozed your
    > jealousy of the successful immigrant plaintiffs. Next, I added that your
    > statements seemed racist. No backpeddling on my part.
    > Again, you're projecting. You're all big and bad when you post some vitriole, but
    > when you get called on the carpet, you concoct some weird and juvenile excuses for
    > what you said. Almost apologetic, but not. I bet your partner is sick of you.
    > Constructive discussion? That's impossible with know-it-alls like you. Prime
    > example are the 2 posts I made about mold litigation and settlements. YOU are the
    > one who made the jealous and racist remarks in response.
    > On 11/21/07, ff wrote:
    >> Yes, I thought it was a riot. You jumped, and then realized you messed up, and
    >> you've been back pedaling ever since. Read your first and second response to
    >> the set-up you fell for - it speaks for itself. I say let's get down to
    >> something of substance? What do you suggest? Give it your best shot. Pick
    >> mold for a subject, after all, that's supposed to be the subject of this
    >> chatboard. In fact, why don't we start with the subject you messed up on.
    >> Which is it, greedy litigants or industry damage control? I'll give you a
    >> break, start over if you want. Go for it.
    >> ff
    >> On 11/21/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >>> Hilarious! A "sting operation!" That's a riot. I bet you've been on the
    >>> receiving end of a sting operation once or twice in your computer chat life.
    >>> On 11/21/07, ff wrote:
    >>>> Mike B.:
    >>>> Strategy from the start. You had your choice. You jumped. It was
    >>>> analagous to a "sting operation". You fell for it. Live with it. Go back
    >>>> and do some reading. Take a good look at your posts. Say what you want,
    >>>> pout, whine... You need help if you can't get over it.
    >>>> ff

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