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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by Mike B. on 11/21/07

    I'm going to give YOU an opportunity to see if you can weasel out of your jealous, and
    what I consider racist, remarks to my original post. You tell the world, based on the
    information that existed in my original post (which is re-posted below for your
    convenience), where you came up with the 2 scenarios you espoused:


    What are ya'll doing wrong with your litigation?

    Apartment Mold
    Oakland, CA: (Nov-18-07) Twelve immigrant families who
    lived in a dilapidated, unheated, mold and cockroach
    infested apartment, brought charges against their landlord,
    Roosevelt Owyang, accusing him of not providing a habitable
    dwelling at the complex. The suit also alleged breach of
    contract. The former tenants stated that rain water leaked
    into their apartments from windows and ceilings so the
    apartments were constantly damp and mold was thick.
    Cockroaches were everywhere, and stairway railings and
    floorboards were often broken. Several plaintiffs claimed
    that they developed asthma along with the 39 former and
    current residents who are party to the suit. Several others
    claimed that they suffered from chronic sinusitis and upper-
    respiratory problems as a result of staying at the
    apartment. The complaint was filed in state Superior Court
    in Alameda County. As part of a settlement reached, the
    twelve immigrant families received a $1.3 million payout,
    resolving the lawsuit. [INSIDE BAY AREA: APARTMENT MOLD]

    Go ahead, now.....tell us what was contructive and meaningful about your original
    response to this post.

    I know you can't justify the jealous, racial profiling. The rest of your response was
    simply a page right out of the paranoid, conspiracy playbook you follow.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

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