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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by Mike B. on 11/21/07

    Ditto to your ditto.

    On 11/21/07, ff wrote:
    > On 11/21/07, ff, not Mike B,:
    >> Mike B.:
    >> Now, take a look below at how my post really read: Do you see
    >> the word "OR", separating the two scenarios???? It's obvious
    >> why you left it out. First, that was the only way you could
    >> get out of your first reaction when you realized you screwed
    >> up. Secondly, you didn't like the way the second scenario on
    >> the industry side read, you got rid of it and the word "Or"
    >> and lastly, you obviously liked the sound of the first
    >> scenario, and you left it in.
    >> Mike, like I said, I don;t ever expect you to admit your
    >> wrong, and I don't care if you do or not. You're caught, and
    >> I'm done here. Like I said, "light work".
    >> Altering the post, and then submitting the alteration while
    >> agrguing and calling me names, etc. I love it.
    >> ff
    >> On 11/20/07, ff wrote:
    >>> Mike B.:
    >>> The rest of the story could be...?
    >>> ...the litigants, now overweight, intoxicated, and homeless,
    >>> are suing to regain possession of the truck, clothes, and
    >>> jewelry purchased with proceeds from the settlement. A
    >>> major convenience store chain is also being sued for
    >>> accepting purchases from them, with cash also obtained in
    >>> the settlement, as well as a local business, "Custom Body
    >>> and Paint". The auto customizing facilitiy allegedly
    >>> mispelled the first name of one of the litigants, when it
    >>> was painted onto the now repo'd vehicle. The previous
    >>> landlord declined comment, stating that the litigants were
    >>> threatening discrimination suits if he did not allow them to
    >>> move back into the apartment, employ then to make necessary
    >>> repairs, and compensate with cash only.
    >>> Or -
    >>> ...the litigants' state of health has continued to decline,
    >>> while at the same time, the previous landlord has leased the
    >>> contaminated property to more families, claiming that the
    >>> CDC, US Chamber of Commerce, ACOEM, and other credible
    >>> entities stand behind him in his accepted view that mold is
    >>> harmless.
    >>> ff
    >>> On 11/19/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>> What are ya'll doing wrong with your litigation?
    >>>> Apartment Mold
    >>>> Oakland, CA: (Nov-18-07) Twelve immigrant families who
    >>>> lived in a dilapidated, unheated, mold and cockroach
    >>>> infested apartment, brought charges against their
    >>> landlord,
    >>>> Roosevelt Owyang, accusing him of not providing a
    >>> habitable
    >>>> dwelling at the complex. The suit also alleged breach of
    >>>> contract. The former tenants stated that rain water leaked
    >>>> into their apartments from windows and ceilings so the
    >>>> apartments were constantly damp and mold was thick.
    >>>> Cockroaches were everywhere, and stairway railings and
    >>>> floorboards were often broken. Several plaintiffs claimed
    >>>> that they developed asthma along with the 39 former and
    >>>> current residents who are party to the suit. Several
    >>> others
    >>>> claimed that they suffered from chronic sinusitis and
    >>> upper-
    >>>> respiratory problems as a result of staying at the
    >>>> apartment. The complaint was filed in state Superior Court
    >>>> in Alameda County. As part of a settlement reached, the
    >>>> twelve immigrant families received a $1.3 million payout,
    >>>> resolving the lawsuit. [INSIDE BAY AREA: APARTMENT MOLD]

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