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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by ff on 11/21/07


    That's pathetic. I'm sorry. I don't know how to help you.


    On 11/21/07, Mike B. wrote:
    > You must be seething with shame and embarrasment. You've posted at least 5 responses to my
    > last comments. In your frenzied efforts to cast the spotlight off you, you're even posting
    > responses in MY NAME!(more on that in a direct response to that post).
    > Your second paragraph below says it all. To paraphrase you: "neener, neener, ha, ha. I
    > wasn't even talking about that post, silly; I was talking about some other post I can't
    > identify because I'm so mad right now." You're sounding like Jon Lovitz character on
    > Saturday Night Live, only you ain't funny.
    > Then, your third paragraph tries to relate back to yet another post in this thread where I
    > qualified (i.e. limited) my response therein to "the statement below." Man, you're
    > stretching your credibility to the point of transparency.
    > I knew you couldn't justify your comments from the beginning of this thread to now. How
    > could you? You can't. On the one hand, you pontificate that only honest, meaningful and
    > positive posts should be allowed on here. In the next breath, you claim you "set me up"
    > with some "test." You need to change your identity on here to fickledf.
    > Again, I presented 2 articles regarding successful mold litigation. You went off on a
    > tangent maligning the character of the plaintiffs, plus spouting your insidious beliefs
    > about conspiracies by everybody else.
    > Oh, yeah; stop posting in my name.
    > On 11/21/07, ff wrote:
    >> Mike B.:
    >> Again, is that a refusal on your part? Also, again, go back and read my posts, the two
    >> opposing scenarios, one OR the other, did not represent my thinking, that would be an
    >> impossibility as written. Therefore, your intentional misreprentation as "remarks", is
    >> not applicable. In fact, you question as to "where I came up with them", reveals that
    >> you know neither of the two opposing scenarios does represent my opinion, but only a
    >> test for you, that you flunked.
    >> I will tell you that it was not that specifc post of yours that I set you up on, but the
    >> others, in which you behaved in exactly the same manner you now display. You were the
    >> same before, and after, I set you up. My, how you pout and fume, rather than confess.
    >> My, how you twist, spin, attack, restate, misinterpret...
    >> Rather selective of you, isn't it, what you choose to use, and what you leave out.
    >> Now, do you have anything of a contributory nature regarding mold to discuss, or are you
    >> here for some other purpose?
    >> ff
    >> On 11/21/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >>> I'm going to give YOU an opportunity to see if you can weasel out of your jealous, and
    >>> what I consider racist, remarks to my original post. You tell the world, based on the
    >>> information that existed in my original post (which is re-posted below for your
    >>> convenience), where you came up with the 2 scenarios you espoused:
    >>> What are ya'll doing wrong with your litigation?
    >>> Apartment Mold
    >>> Oakland, CA: (Nov-18-07) Twelve immigrant families who
    >>> lived in a dilapidated, unheated, mold and cockroach
    >>> infested apartment, brought charges against their landlord,
    >>> Roosevelt Owyang, accusing him of not providing a habitable
    >>> dwelling at the complex. The suit also alleged breach of
    >>> contract. The former tenants stated that rain water leaked
    >>> into their apartments from windows and ceilings so the
    >>> apartments were constantly damp and mold was thick.
    >>> Cockroaches were everywhere, and stairway railings and
    >>> floorboards were often broken. Several plaintiffs claimed
    >>> that they developed asthma along with the 39 former and
    >>> current residents who are party to the suit. Several others
    >>> claimed that they suffered from chronic sinusitis and upper-
    >>> respiratory problems as a result of staying at the
    >>> apartment. The complaint was filed in state Superior Court
    >>> in Alameda County. As part of a settlement reached, the
    >>> twelve immigrant families received a $1.3 million payout,
    >>> resolving the lawsuit. [INSIDE BAY AREA: APARTMENT MOLD]
    >>> Go ahead, now.....tell us what was contructive and meaningful about your original
    >>> response to this post.
    >>> I know you can't justify the jealous, racial profiling. The rest of your response was
    >>> simply a page right out of the paranoid, conspiracy playbook you follow.
    >>> Happy Thanksgiving.

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