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    Re: Another Mold Settlement

    Posted by ff on 11/26/07

    It's exactly as I thought, you can't take your own medicine. You need
    to go back and read your posts, and see how you have spun around, but
    tell me, as I have asked before, can you get onto a board relevant
    discussion without jumping to wild speculation and without blurting out
    with insulting BS?

    This started with a question about cedars, of which I found interesting,
    and asked for more info...and here you are now, asking questions,
    expecting something in others that you're incapable of.

    ALameda County? Spontaneous generation? Is that how you think mold
    occured in the apartments? What's changed? Why the increase in toxic
    mold/IAQ problems? Just what do you think is causing it?


    On 11/26/07, Mike B. wrote:
    > This is a simple "yes" or "no" question: Is there anything you've
    > posted on this chatboard that provides your real name and background?
    > On 11/26/07, ff wrote:
    >> On 11/26/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >>> Not a single word was said, nor has any evidence been offered,
    >> that
    >>> the mold growing in these apartments was the result of some
    >>> pesticide lable prohibitions. As a matter of fact, there is no
    >>> discussion whatsoever about the use of pesticides (which, by
    >>> definition, includes fungicides) to control or abate the growth of
    >>> the mold in these apartments.
    >> So what?
    >>> Now, what do you mean by your comment "you may want to seek
    >>> professional advice on preservation of capital and investment?"
    >> So you wouldn't waste your $1.3 million?
    >> ff

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