Re: Mold Litigation News
Posted by ff on 2/17/08
The judge must have had a conflict of interest! > Denver International Airport Class Action Dismissed > Denver, CO: (Jun-26-07) A class action lawsuit was filed > against the city and Denver International Airport (DIA) > alleging that travelers and employees at the airport were > exposed to extensive mold and fungi contamination. The > action was filed by two United Airlines employees, Terri > Crandall and Joann Hubbard, who claimed they experienced > pneumonia, headaches, nausea, shortness of breath and > bronchitis beginning in 1995. The suit further stated that > by 1999, Crandall and Hubbard each believed their illnesses > were being caused by environmental contamination at the new > airport. Crandall and Hubbard, who were employed at DIA as > customer service representatives, claimed that during the > periods when they were being treated for their ailments and > were away from Concourse B their symptoms disappeared. But > problems returned when they went back to work on Concourse > B. > > The court stated that Denver officials had not found a > major mold issue at the airport and ordered a dismissal of > the class action suit. The Colorado Supreme Court said that > the women who brought the lawsuit failed to file their > notice of a claim with Denver within the 180-day time > period required by law and the women didn't identify any > injuries suffered during the 180-day period. [DENVER POST: > AIRPORT MOLD] > >
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