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    Re: Your opponents rest ? - ff

    Posted by ff on 12/28/07


    Thanks for the interesting, key points/considerations. Excerpts:

    On 12/28/07, John Codie wrote:

    1.) > If we believed our court system was strictly for
    > right and wrong, and truth and lie; we are grossly misinformed.

    You hit the reality of it!

    2.) For those who
    > want to take up the banner and follow a cause you have to be
    > to pay the price.

    You can say that again!

    3.) Your right Frank they do sleep well at night after a glass of
    > like of the two attorney's on LA LAW. That is up until they get
    > caught, and oh those sleepless night we know so well.

    And, they do get caught!

    > jc
    > On 12/15/07, ff wrote:
    >> One thing that victims need to keep in mind, is that they live
    >> this everyday, 24/7/365. For those causing the problem, it's
    >> not personal, it's business, and they go home at night and
    >> forget it.
    >> ff
    >> On 12/15/07, ff wrote:
    >>> The "words" were in my opinion really stretched beyond the
    >>> intent of the author, or worse, and the suit is a stretch as
    >>> well. Even more stretching, is that Mike B., or BB, now use
    >>> those "words" in their argument to suggest they actually had
    >>> some effect, in kids, the beneficiary of Sharon's self-
    >>> sacrifice.
    >>> ff
    >>> On 12/15/07, Deborah wrote:
    >>>> I believe the term for a statement like that is "excited
    >>>> utterance", only in this case it is in writing. While it
    >>>> may be an uncomfortable choice of words, there is something
    >>>> to be gleaned in it, that is that the people responsible for
    >>>> perpetrating this fraud condemned untold numbers of adults
    >>>> and children to continue to suffer and die needlessly. Which
    >>>> is the greater transgression?
    >>>> Sharon's true character is apparent to anyone paying a
    >>>> modicum of attention, as is any blatant attempt at
    >>>> discrediting her by seizing and continually harping on a
    >>>> single phrase heatedly churned out for the purpose of
    >>>> underlying the gravity of what these people were cavalierly
    >>>> doing in this matter.
    >>>> Ain't happening.
    >>>> On 12/11/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>> "May your children rot in hell, along with all
    >>>>> the other innocent children you are hurting.”
    >>>>> Why would the other innocent children be rotting in hell?

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