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    Post: Average Outdoor Spore Counts

    Posted by Rem Dude on 2/25/08

    The average outdoor Cladosporium spore counts are:
    Florida - 7627 spores per cubic meter.
    California - 6987 spores per cubic meter.
    Colorado - 5546 spores per cubic meter.
    Arizona - 2987 spores per cubic meter.
    Hawaii - 14,325 spores per cubic meter.
    Illinois - 12,651 spores per cubic meter.
    Maryland - 9027 spores per cubic meter.
    Ohio - 13,229 spores per cubic meter.
    Texas - 15,550 spores per cubic meter.

    Except for Arizona, we seldom find indoor levels of
    Cladosporium at these average outdoor levels. The
    exception is a flood damaged house that has been allowed
    to fester for a week or more. However, for the average
    mold-in-a-wall-cavity, crawlspace, or attic situation, we
    seldom exceed these published outdoor levels. And
    remember, these are historical averages, there are many
    days where the outdoor level far exceeds these numbers...

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