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    Re: HVAC Mold Inspections

    Posted by Rem Dude on 2/29/08


    Not really. I look at enough of them every day.


    On 2/29/08, Deborah wrote:
    > hmm, "if you don't like it, move" and "if it made you ill, you are a
    > whining, card-carrying member of the Victim Industry who is
    > genetically inferior, er, susecptible".
    > Would you like to see the pics and lab report on what was found on the
    > HVAC coils in my place?
    > On 2/26/08, Rem Dude wrote:
    >> Deborah:
    >> Mold contamination is certainly grounds for breaking a lease if the
    >> landlord is unresponsive to requests to correct the problem.
    >> RD
    >> On 2/26/08, Deborah wrote:
    >>> Don't have it in front of me, but standard rule is that immovables
    >>> are considered domain of property owner.
    >>> No matter, when I asked to have it done, inspection guy was
    >>> labeled fraud by landlord and I was told to leave despite offering
    >>> to assist in payment or pay for it all, this after verbal lease
    >>> renewal just a few weeks before.
    >>> When the water in hall was discovered just a couple of weeks or so
    >>> later, leading to HVAC closet and plugged condensation tube, I had
    >>> a good look at underneath of coils and intake plenum. Handyman
    >>> said he'd "cleaned" coils 3x during the prior year at landlord's
    >>> request...without my knowledge, of course. Handyman said he'd
    >>> told landlord coils needed to be replaced or removed for thorough
    >>> cleaning...landlord refused to do either. Again, I had no
    >>> knowledge of any of this. Water had been flowing under carpet
    >>> padding for some time. And, no, my sense of smell wasn't
    >>> functioning properly due to prior poisoning.
    >>> When it is my responsibility to do more than regularly change
    >>> filter, depending on unit, clean 2 to 4 times per year. In my
    >>> camper, it was easy to do frequently. Window units, depending on
    >>> where they are located, if done regularly and kept clean, not so
    >>> bad. Central HVAC beyond my capabilities without assist.
    >>> On 2/26/08, Rem Dude wrote:
    >>>> Depends. Read your leasing agreement...
    >>>> RD
    >>>> On 2/26/08, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>> Let me answer with a question; who is responsible for HVAC
    >>>>> evaluation, maintenance, and repair, landlord or tenant?
    >>>>> On 2/26/08, Rem Dude wrote:
    >>>>>> For those who complain about IAQ related illnesses or the
    >>>>>> dangers of mold, how often do you have your HVAC system
    >>>>>> evaluated?
    >>>>>> RD
    >>>>>> On 2/25/08, Rem Dude wrote:
    >>>>>>> In reviewing last year’s Residential HVAC system
    >>>>>>> inspections that we conducted, 100&37; of them tested
    >>>>>>> positive for internal duct board/insulation fungal
    >>>>>>> contamination and 100&37; of them tested positive for drip
    >>>>>>> pan fungal contamination.
    >>>>>>> In reviewing last year’s Commercial HVAC system
    >>>>>>> inspections that we conducted approximately 78&37; tested
    >>>>>>> positive for internal fungal contamination.
    >>>>>>> RD

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