Post: Lead Poisoning
Posted by Michael D. Corbett, Ph.D. on 3/25/09
Several months ago 'Scott' posted the topic 'lead paint case assessment', and made an analogy to 'the next asbestos'. I feel obliged to offer some advice concerning plaintiff claims of neurotoxic effects arising from lead. I have recently served as an expert witness on two lead "poisoning" cases - one for a plaintiff, the other for the defense. The former was a true case of lead poisoning as evidenced by a 'blood-lead level' (BLL) of greater than 60 mcg/dL, appearance of at least one acute symptom of poisoning, and the actual detection of a lead- based paint chip in the child's GI tract. The other involved a child whose BLL was a transient 12 mcg/dL, which is only a slightly elevated BLL (above the CDC level of 10 mcg/dL) - and not at all sufficient evidence of lead poisoning. The plaintiff's claims of developmental delays and neurocognitive deficits as the result of such a minor elevation of BLL were baseless, in spite of the existence of published epidemiological evidence (albeit very controversial) suggesting that lead is 'unsafe at any level'. There exist other much more important causes of neurocognitive deficits than elevated BLL; and to establish that lead was a significant cause or contributor to such will be very difficult, unless the BLL is markedly elevated (> 40 mcg/dL).
Consulting Toxicologist
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