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    Re: mold and chronic fatigue syndrome / fibromyalgia

    Posted by Lisa, RN BSN, CLNC on 3/18/10

    On 1/17/10, bizotch71 wrote:
    > Does anybody have any studies for mold as a precipitating
    > factor in CFS?
    There is no link between mold and CFS. CFS up to minute
    research being conducted by U Miami (Dr Nancy Klimas, Dr
    Erma Rey) and by Dr John Chia,Torrance, CA., as well as the
    NIH and Whitmore Peterson Institute who has been working on
    CFIDS (same as CFS) for over 20 years are close to proving
    that CFS is caused by an RNA (Ribonucleic acid) virus. AIDS
    is also an RNA virus.

    Example: If a patient has a DNA virus (Deoxynucleic)they
    will recover and get better. With RNA viruses people do not
    recover which is why chronic fatigue persists. Just as in
    AIDS/HIV...once Gallo discovered the actual AIDS virus,
    drugs were made to slow down and halt the replication of the
    virus and viral load. These pts. still have HIV, some AIDS
    (cell count below 200)since the virus does not GO AWAY.

    As an RN for 30 years and living with CFIDS, believe me,
    Mold does not cause chronic fatigue. As a lawyer with
    experts who are world renowned, you might be laughed out of
    court. My recommendation to you would be to have this client
    have a much more detailed work up with a CFS expert.

    An MD may say that they are experts in CFS, but there are
    only a handful that REALLY ARE THE EXPERTS and I gave you
    the top 3 for no charge!!!

    If you need a legal nurse expert on your cases, call me at
    949 322 2578. Good Luck.


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