Post: Exposed to Toxic Waste at DOE Nuclear Site
Posted by Zack on 3/28/05
I have been asked by my friend, the plaintiff, to help him
find an attorney to pursue this case. Most attorneys I
have spoken with locally (Augusta, GA) do not handle cases
such as these. seems to be right up this
alley...I hope someone can help!
Here's the history:
Plaintiff was employed at Savannah River Site (SRS) a DOE
Nuclear facility. Specifically employed at the "Tank Farm"
where all chemical and nuclear waste produced at the
facility is stored in underground tanks. Millions of
gallons of this waste has accumulated in tanks since
1950s. Occasionally tanks were pumped to other tanks for
maintenance. Plaintiff was responsible for
handling/cleaning protective suits & equipment worn by
workers who entered tanks. On several occasions plaintiff
knew he experienced exposure.
Here is the VERY unusual medical history experienced by the
plaintiff after exposure:
1989 - Fell unconscious at SRS from low blood sugar.
1991 - Began experiencing seizures.
1991 - Diagnosed with rare corneal disease and had cornea
1991 - Began feeling fatigued & had stress test & hearth
1996 - Fell unconscious at SRS again from low blood sugar.
2000 - Blood sugar fell consistently fell into 20's. SRS
placed plaintiff on long-term medical leave.
2000 - Mayo Clinic named plaintiff the 11th person ever
diagnosed with noninsulonoma hypoglycemic syndrone
(Betacell hyperlasia).
2000 - August - Surgery to remove spleen and 75% of
2000 - Oct - Diagnosed with pancreatitis in remaining
2001 - SRS permanently disabled and medically retired
2001 - More low blood sugar and surgery to remove gall
bladder and additional 23% of pancreas.
2001 - Developed blood pocket in liver and staph infection.
2002 - Felt irritation in foot and found a bump.
2002 - Bump diagnosed as cancer, doctor recommended
2003 - Flew to MD Anderson hospital for 2nd opinion.
Diagnosed as extremely rare form of cancer.
2003 - Surgery to remove top of left foot. Veins and skin
from forearm used to reconstruct foot.
2003 - Began to experience stomach pain again. Blocked
bile duct found and surgically attempted to stint.
2003 – Surgery to remove remaining pancreas, part of bile
duct and duodenum.
2004 – With no pancreas plaintiff’s body does not have
appropriate enzymes to digest food. Medicaid/Medicare
provided drugs were not working and plaintiff began losing
weight and having wild blood sugar swings. Alternative
drugs were to cost $3,000/mo but the drug company was
convinced to make them affordable for patient.
2005 – Plaintiff has lost 65 pounds since pancreas removal
and is literally starving to death due to lack of nutrient
absorption. He is now walking with a cane because his
muscle is being eaten away by his body.
2005 – Doctors say a pancreas transplant is needed and
patient must provide $185,000. Friends are trying to raise
money to help. Meanwhile his health is deteriorating to
the point that he may not be considered a candidate for a
2005 – SRS concludes their investigation of plaintiff’s
complaint that illnesses were caused through his
employment. They state there is “only” a 1 in 9 chance
illnesses stem from employment and deny claim. (You get
1 in 6 chances with Russian Roulette!)
Any one of the many diseases that this man has experienced
would be rare in a person’s life. But combination of rare
illnesses that have accumulated in this one man certainly
must be related to the fact that he worked in close
proximity and came in contact with some of the nastiest
toxic waste on the planet.
His family is impoverished from medical bills and a
disabled father of 3’s inability to work and provide for
his wife and family. Friends are raising funds with milk
jugs at shopping centers and donut sales to raise money for
an astonishingly large sum of money.
I am no attorney and despise frivolous lawsuits, but I
believe this man has a very strong case and is entitled to
have the government see that he gets the best medical
treatment our nation can provide.
I am a close, personal friend whom he has asked to find an
attorney. The plaintiff is seeking an experienced,
aggressive lawyer to save his life!
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