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    Re: Poisoned Again ?

    Posted by Gerry Duffett on 11/28/06

    Poisoned / Four Times / Gangstalking

    Lethal Bullying.

    Deadly Electronic Weapons.


    This will be 4 times now that I'm pretty sure someone either :
    Poisoned my food or drinks.
    Drugged my food or drinks.

    Keep in mind when some one poisons or drugs you it's an
    extreme state of confusion.
    Your system goes into toxic shock.
    It's border line insanity.

    First time :

    The last few month's of 1997 when I was employed at Harper
    Detroit Diesel in Toronto.
    I got really, really sick working at this employer.

    Second time :

    At Vancouver International Airport in Vancouver, British
    Columbia, Canada. I was returning to Toronto after finishing
    a job interview at :

    It took me two day's to come around and get out of the
    Slept in departures, I think, still not sure.
    Missed my flight, no money, a friend paid for my flight back

    Third time :

    When I was working for Hydro One in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
    at a transformer station switch yard called the "Scott Road
    Transformer Station".

    Someone either poisoned me or drugged me when I had dinner at
    a local restaurant with the Hydro One crew I was working with
    after work.

    Fourth time :

    Someone either poisoned me or drugged me when I had breakfast
    at a truck stop at Dixie Rd. and Hyway 401 in Mississauga,
    Ontario, Canada.

    Husky Car/Truck Stop #1
    1553 Shawson Drive
    at Dixie Rd.
    1 block North of # 401 Hwy.
    401 & exit 346

    Wound up in "emergency" at Trillium Health Care Center" in
    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

    These are times that come to mind.

    There may be other times that I'm not aware of.

    My health started to fail during the last few month's of 1997
    while I was still employed at Harper Detroit Diesel in
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
    There was a "constructive dismissal" issue in progress aimed
    at me that I was not aware of at that time.

    Extreme confusion.
    Toxic shock.
    Border line insanity.

    I'm not even going to touch on this "directed energy
    weapon's" thing.

    Thing's sure can get "twisted" in the workplace sometime's


    Gerry Duffett

    Toronto / Ontario / Canada


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