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    Re: Poisoned by Methyl Bromide

    Posted by ff on 5/17/07

    Insanity! That's what this is. For anyone to suggest that
    agricultural chemicals have any impact on the environment,
    especially something as far away as the OhZone, is ridiculous.
    Without ag chems, you would be dead, starved to death, and toxic
    mold would be everywhere.

    EPA registers these chemicals, and responsible companies
    research them, manufacture them, to help feed the world. If
    they were dangerous to man, animals, the environment, or
    anything, these companies would not sell them - they would get
    caught by EPA, and EPA would take immediate action to protect
    the consuming public. For anyone to suggest that Methyl
    Bromide, or any ag chemical, poisoned them, is absurd.

    There are lawyers out there that ruin America and the economy by
    trying to get money for these frivilous claims. IF these
    lawyers, or those playing sick would research this, they'd be so
    embarrassed they would go away. The industry, toxicologists
    with PhD's, research these chemicals. No one could ever be
    exposed to a high enough dose to ever have a problem. This is
    easy to see, because rarely do they ever take the time to
    analyze for the chemical, and if they did, they would not find

    If these ridiculous people don't go away, we will not have any
    food to eat.


    On 5/17/07, Mike B. wrote:
    >> U.S. EPA News Brief (May 15, 2007) -- Methyl Bromide
    >> Inventory Continues Downward Trend
    > Sorry.
    > U.S. EPA News Brief
    > May 15, 2007
    > Contact: John Millett, (202) 564-4355
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------
    > ----------------
    > Methyl Bromide Inventory Continues Downward Trend
    > The methyl bromide inventory held by U.S. companies at the end
    > of 2006 continues to shrink, according to data released by EPA
    > today. The data show a steady decline in the inventory since
    > 2003, when the Agency began collecting such information.
    > Methyl bromide is an ozone-depleting chemical that has been
    > used as a general pesticide across a wide range of
    > sectors for many years. Under the Montreal Protocol on
    > Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and the Clean Air Act,
    > the United States phased out new production and import of
    > methyl bromide, except for allowable exemptions for users who
    > have no technically and economically feasible alternatives.
    > The data that EPA is releasing includes, in aggregate form,
    > inventory held by approximately 35 companies in the United
    > States at the end of 2006. The methyl bromide inventory data,
    > displayed graphically below, shows a steady decline –
    > approximately 16,422 metric tons in 2003, 12,994 metric tons
    > 2004, 9,974 metric tons in 2005, and 7,671 metric tons in
    2006 –
    > and demonstrates that the United States continues to manage
    > its domestic inventory appropriately.
    > The phaseout of new production and import, and the orderly
    > reduction in the existing inventory, are facilitating a
    > transition to alternatives in a manner consistent with
    > successful phaseouts of ozone-depleting substances, such as
    > chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) and halons. The United States
    > continues to protect the ozone layer and meet its obligations
    > under the Montreal Protocol while meeting the needs of
    > farmers.
    > For more information on the phaseout of methyl bromide, please
    > visit:

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