Post: My Lethal Job- Life
Posted by D.L. on 10/31/09
I worked from 1969-2002.After working & paying into L&I,
for 20 years,in 1989 I had an accident(lethal exposure type)
so I filed an L&I claim,which was denied.I went on,doing
what I did best, building boats,fighting L&I,& having all
these horriffic accidents, illnesses,diagnoses,just some
totally unexplainable pain,moving all over in my body,
arms,legs,hands,eyes,ears ringing,throat burning,another
claim turned down, & I knew in my heart by then, it was
work related, I just was too dumb(from toxic exposures)
Then,my sm. bowel totally "erupted" inside me.I won't go
into detail,because there's too much.I was put on SSI,SSD
in 2002 for brain damage.You don't let your boss make you
stay inside a boat,while he's installing canvas & snapping
it down tight,where there is 0 air space & you have toluene
& other toxic chemicals, cleaning inside, sometimes for
hours.Think about it,I did work like that on a daily,even
yearly basis,for most of my working life.I had a new MRI
done,& I have a new disease,which is not work related,but
shows up on this mri, with my BRAIN DAMAGE from my letal
life of working. I would like to educate Jeri Berends,on
brain injurys/toxic exposures,etc... or see how she would
like to live on $600.00mo.,instead of working for the st of
wa.,if shes even still there.
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