Post: Workplace Exposures

Posted by Ahyehok on 12/25/09
Wash.St.lets people right off the streets,with no chemical schooling,background info.,and no education on hazardous chemicals,and alot of them didn't even have MSDS info.,I never knew what MSDS was until I had a very toxic exposure in 1989,and went and got the info.myself at a chemical co. Now, after all my research(7yrs),I realize that I was being exposed, since the early 70's.I was not aware of these exposures, because I didn't know what, nor where, nor how, exposures effect a human,or how it felt until 1989,then I found out the hard way.I had no education, either. I just loved working\designing\detailing fiberglass boats.Now,I have a brain injury,along with everything that relates or goes with Long Term Exposures!There's got to be more people out there,that are probably sick in different ways,from exposures in 70's,80's,90's,that probably aren't even aware that it could be due to chemical exposures,from working with these toxic chemicals,while building fiberglass boats in the state of Washington, where you need no experiance to work with fiberglass,resins,acetone,toluene,eathers(glues) and so on... and brain injury's are free.When did regulating chemicals and inspections began & where? Not where I was employed.In Thirty years,I saw one inspection!
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