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    Post: Mental Health Patients might be entitled to Worker's Comp

    Posted by Maria Mangicaro on 5/05/11


    I am an individual who suffered an occupational disease
    that was originally misdiagnosed as a mental disorder.

    After two years of being misdiagnosed, I became proactive
    in my health care and researched the association between
    chemical exposure and symptoms of mania/psychosis.

    I could not find an attorney who would take my case but I
    was able to establish one on my own. After much searching I
    found an attorney to represent me, received several
    supportive depositions from reputable doctors to the
    diagnosis of a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder and was
    awarded a settlement.

    My attorney offered to initiate a malpractice suit, but out
    of respect for the psychiatrists I dealt with I did not
    want to pursue that course of action.

    My case has helped several other people who were
    misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder establish worker's comp

    Recently I submitted a narrative to a medical journal that
    was published and explains my case. Here is a link to the

    As a mental health advocate I am raising awareness of
    underlying medical conditions and substances that are known
    to induce psychotic/manic symptoms and can be misdiagnosed
    as Bipolar Disorder/Schizophrenia.

    Here is a link to a website I maintain that lists abstracts
    and articles on Medical Conditions and Substance Induced
    Psychosis that can be misdiagnosed as

    Treating the underlying conditions that induce
    psychotic/manic symptoms could substantially improve the
    mental health care system. Advocating for improvements in
    the diagnosic accuracy of severe mental illness is a much
    needed reform effort and currently there are no organized
    advocacy groups that voice this need.

    Perhaps recognizing more worker's comp/malpractice cases
    would help bring about this reform.

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