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Laypersons (the general public) may pose questions to this forum, as guests, keeping in mind the resource is dedicated specifically to Attorneys.

Welcome to the Second Amendment Chatboard. This Toxic Torts Chatboard
is dedicated to academic discussions related to gun control and the right to bear arms as specified under the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Amendment II, U.S. Constitution (1791)
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Latest posts on the Second Amendment Chatboard
- 20wtr3, 6/18/17, by digkqs.
- Thanks, 2/05/15, by Douglasveip.
- Re: Gun Rights Here and Nationally, 3/22/13, by Mike.
- Re: I was also denied an Illinois FOID Card, 1/19/13, by Abe.
- Re: Really?, 12/11/12, by Jim Campbell.
- Re: Gun Rights [WA] restored, 12/11/12, by Jim Campbell.
- BAD ATTORNEY - Paul T. Ferris, 12/11/12, by Rimfire64.
- Re: Which Tea Is Better - Black Tea Or Inexperienced Tea, 11/14/12, by xxx.
- Which Tea Is Better - Black Tea Or Inexperienced Tea
, 10/27/12, by Coabannorma.
- Making Muscle Mass Fast - 7 Tips On How To Do It The Risk-free And Simple Way
, 10/22/12, by Coabannorma.
- The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Evaluation - Does It Definitely Work Kyle Leon Program
, 10/21/12, by Coabannorma.
- Purchase A Even Bigger Chest - Make Muscle Mass Quick
, 10/19/12, by as an example.
- Muscle Maximizer Household Fitness Exercise Session Dvd Get Ripped In Ninety Times Flat
, 10/17/12, by suilliony.
- Overview From The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Software By Kyle Leon
, 10/15/12, by Gagsskawn.
- Gun Rights Here and Nationally, 9/02/12, by Deonet.
- Re: Gun Rights [WA] restored, 8/01/12, by Paul T. Ferris.
- Re: Gun Rights [WA] restored, 7/14/12, by James Keilman.
- Gun Rights in multiple states, 7/11/12, by nick.
- very good
, 6/04/12, by Maryxlyf1.
- Re: Restoring Gun Rights Washington State, 4/23/12, by sean .
- Re: Everyone vote here please, 4/18/12, by Richard F Pharr, Sr.
- Re: Everyone vote here please, 4/18/12, by Richard F Pharr, Sr.
- Re: Need advice for FOID appeal, 4/09/12, by John.
- Re: Need advice for FOID appeal, 4/09/12, by Dude.
- Re: Need advice for FOID appeal, 4/09/12, by John.
- respond, 1/03/12, by WinifredShannon.
- answer this post, 1/01/12, by BrittneyUnderwood.
- answer this topic, 12/30/11, by KarlaSimpson26.
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